
Mas Bills.

Saya mau curhat ...

Tentang si Mas Bills.....

Mas yang satu ini sering banget dateng ke kehidupan saya at least sekali tiap bulan, keganggu? oh iya banget , tapi dianya engga bosen2 ih dateng terus.

Mana datengnya rada2 hampir di tanggal yang sama.

Si Mas Bill telepon, bill insurance, bill insurance mobil, bill internet datengnya tanggal 18 semua ! di satu hari, aduh aku khan jadi bingung mau ketemu sama yang mana, belon lagi kalo Mas J ku dateng >.<



Intinya saya sutris, tiap tanggal segitu pasti bangkrut total. Gaji cuman lewat, hi-bye tok. Untung gajian tiap minggu paleng engga, minggu depan saya masi bisa beli makan lagi
*yang kata mama, gajian kamu kok kayak tukang bangunan disini to, mingguan gitu*

Dobel najis, bulan depan insurance mobil naek hampir 2x lipat *nyetok indomi satu dus*


Terima kasih Tuhan, masih punya gaji dan bisa makan dan bisa belanja.

Hiyak maap.

Maapkan sayah yang males ini. hihihi. Inti dari posting2 sebelumnya: selama 4 hari berturut2, siang malem, saya makan porsi orang hamil dengan berbagai macam makanan, dari buffet, fast food, steak, dll. EITS, semua itu kebetulan loh, bukan direncanain sebelumnya *alesan* heihiehiehiehi


Sunday (Long weekend day 3)

Another Easter Sunday mass at usual place and we got KFC for our lunch. It was one massive order, 10 pieces chicks, 2 large chips and 1 "the famous" double burger ( it's a burger but instead of using buns, the used 2 breast chicken for buns).

See, how greedy we were? I could only eat 1 piece of chicken, lots of chips and half of the burger and I could also hear my tummy kept screaming for more chicken esp its skins but then my brain told me it was just my lust for the chicken. So I stopped my hands digging for more chicken on the box but instead, I licked my oily finger and be satisfied. It was one of the best feelings in the world.

And the story continued for our dinner. I had a farewell dinner appointment with my dearly friend, who returned to Indonesia the day after. Since it was public holiday and dearly Perth, as you know, is a dullsville so all good restaurants were (of course) closed, but then I remember about Grill'd, my favourite burger bar in Mt. Lawley and magically, they opened! She's never been there before, so it was all perfectly planned by God.

Because me and Mr J were still feeling full (damn you chickens !) we decided to order one burger and share it (but we of course still ordered large chips)

Oh, that night, me and best buddies planned to surprise Cindy, my dearly housemate and it was a big success. She was shocked, as we planned (: and I had a half piece of choc-strawberry cake, one small midnight munch.

Indulged myself with those oily junk food chicken and the beef burger with a pale ale.

one big happy tummy.

Saturday Vigil ( Long weekend day 2)

I spent the day with working ! sigh, retail sucked, but the good thing was the system was down that day haha so I closed up early hehehe. Rushing to get home, showered, got ready for 6pm mass at North Fremantle parish (from Bentley) but managed to get there just before 6pm.

Indulged myself with Chinese food feast. appetite level - normal.

The very long weekend

Oh well, that was ages ago, Australia had a very long weekend from Good Friday till the next Tuesday.

What did I do for the long weekend? Indulging myself in good food haha.

Oh, Hi blog !