
lho kok ?

Suddenly, bosen banged di Sydney. Emang sih, everything is better in here, but the temptation, to buy this and that sangat mengerikan. Plus, kalo si Yosi kelas khan saya muter2 sendirian ga terkontrol !

I miss Surabaya and PapMam

I can summarise what I've seen in Sydney in these 2 weeks:

Things that I hate about Sydney :

1. The public transport fares so freaking expensive ! not forgetting to mention that train tickets are different from bus tickets!

2. It doesn't seem like Sydney anymore, it's more like Seoul or Hong Kong. Where the bloody hell are you, Aussies?
In seconds, sometimes I feel like I'm in Singapore.

3. People just don't smile. The common typical of big cities.

4. Everyone was just in a rush, ok, I'm from Perth, I can see the problem now :)

Things that I love about Sydney :

1. You can find any kind of food, I really mean any food from any country and taste exactly like they suppose to be.

2. The shopping.

3. They actually open on Sunday. Including suburbs.

4. Whatever you wear, they won't notice you. There's always someone who looks weirder than you, wearing normal fashion is abnormal in here.


Anonymous said...

Wendeeee - I saw your dad the other day di kantin HCoS!! Hahaha lalu I was gonna say hi but then I realised he's never met me before and that I only know him from your family photos XD

So I didn't do anything and went back to watching my brother makan soto :\

How are you m'dear? Laen kali ke Melbourne yaa :D

Eh btw Surabaya ada jalan tol keren loh skarang - jalan tol airport haha and it's so sepi soale muahal katane. Lalu masio jalane alus and baru tapi sek njut2 gitu Wen, biasa orang sini lak nek bikin2 jalan ga bisa yang mulus gitu aneh bener. Lalu SuToS udah buka - asik juga loh, I think it's better than CiToS - lebih enak gitu suasananya.

... Jadi puanjang ya comment'e hahahah yasuda de mari dulu saya. Enjoy the remainder of your time in Sydney ;) pssst btw people have said to me that Melbourne is better than Sydney - so make sure your next East coast trip includes Melbourne :P

blue pankponk said...

actually ya .. itu tol,persis diatas rumahku !! hauhauhauahuah

aku rencana mo ke melb lho mir, adekku ga libur siiihhh jd ga bisa. Melbourne is much much much better than sydney! go melbourne!!

Sutos ??? the one di mayjen sungkono itu ??