


Ehm, ga kerasa ya udah mo hari Natal. Btw saya sudah sampai lho di surabaya (yang super duper humid dan digigitin nyamuk tiap malem), perjalanan ke surabaya ga mulus2 banget juga kok. Dari flight Perth-Spore banyak banget toddler yang nangis kenceng kayak mo disembelih and my flight took off at 7.30 am, just imagine how sleepy i was and how annoying they were; their parents should bribe us with free wine or some freebies to compensate with their annoying kids *hehehe*. Udah gitu brekkie di pswt entah i was that hungry ato the portion is getting smaller ya itu udah size makanan kucing kali kecil banget malah aku abisin satu tray yg ada yogurt, buah, muffin n bread roll less than 10 minutes sampe sebelahku heran hahahahhaa but i was still hungry. Sampe di spore, seperti biasa, amusing tambah banyak rasanya orangnya sampe udah out of capacity deh that small island. Tiap ari berburu barang2 buat my cousin's wedding, dari sepatu, anting2, purse, kalung, dipikir2 buset banyak banget yak keperluan cewek, ganti dress ganti aksesoris hahahhaha modalnya mesti kenceng.

Flight Spore - Surabaya lebih ngebetein lagi, udah gate paling ujung, staffnya ga ada ramah pake singlish pula (no offense ;p but still cant understand singlish), pswtnya telat take off setengah jam gara2 nungguin 6 orang !!! CiH ! mestinya ga usah ditunggu lah itu. Sampe di sby jadi telat sekitar 1 jam gitu, pulang langsung mandi in less than 30 mins then langsung tancep ke acara lamaran temen anak papi, pulang rumah langsung tepar. Besokannya ke gereja misa pagi jam 9.15 bookkkk ngantuk abis digereja beneran trus anter yosi potong rambut trus ke rumah sodara yang meng instruksi kan apa aja yg perlu di kerjain pas wedding dia. Ya begitulah seterusnya kehidupan saya di surabaya, masih seputar dress wedding dan sekitarnya, bosan memang, oh dan tentu saja unpack-pack , unpack- pack gitu aja terus

Kangen city beach dan kings park, mulai bosen liat mal terus hehheheheh


circa principessa.

warning: this post contains offensive languages and subjective opinions, please do not read if you dont want to ;p. I will ignore any complaints or rude comments as this is my private blog and you are more than welcome to leave this blog if you feel being offended.

I dont like to talk about private problems to many people. one person plus God is enough for me to share my problems. I dont need your advices, thanks anyway. For being that one person, you must be really close with me which means i really trust you & you should feel honoured (hehe). Which (also) means many people do not understand and do not know what i feel inside (for most of the time), i often smile and laugh but honestly, i suddenly could burst into tears and people start calling me weirdo. I express my feelings into writing, i used to have many short stories, poems and unfinished novels in my very old computers back to my junior high school days but i dont bother expressing my feelings into writing again, retail therapy is much better (hhehehe). I am a very discipline person, i cannot be late, i list everything in my brain, i hate slow people, i am very organised, i need to have -me time- regularly, i must eat carbohydrate in every single meal, i can get upset easily if my schedules or my plans is ruined and it takes me a very long time to forget about that, i have photographic memories, i love reading novels and books (you can be amazed on how quick i read a novel and remember the storyline of every novel i have read). I have been loving blue and white colour for almost 10 years now and yes most of my stuff are blue and white. I am very very very very sensitive person actually, i remember every people who had insulted me and said something that hurt me, and also every single word of it. That is why sometimes I am afraid of my photographic memories. I hate waiting, I hate stupid and slow people (not being rude but they irritate me for most of time) for example; I'm working in a patisserie and i've found millions of people asking me for ice creams or chips or sandwiches, CANT U JUST READ PATISSERIE ? I dont feel like moving to my -soon to be- new house, the room size is the same as a bird's cage, one door wardrobe, plus it is not carpet based, i hate sweeping floors.

to be continued.

14 days

Kangen papa mama. pengen pulang malem ini juga.