

A human is not a business nor a thing.
We breath, we cry, we feel, we need certain affections, to live.
We need to be secured and there are times when we want to be in our comfort zone, to be hugged by our comfort people. That's my secure moment and it's a natural thing, at least to me.
Then why there had to be tears and blood to say hello ?
Has all the sparks gone?


sabtu ceria

Weekend kemaren menyenangkan! ok, cerita hari sabtu dulu !

Sabtu pagi - Jon janjiin aku kalo kita mo berolahraga di pinggir swan river tapi rahasia olahraga apa, trus dia keceplosan sendiri kalo sepedaan haha dasar dung2 itu. Trus pas mo berangkat nih critanya, kok jon pake baju rapi amat pake jeans n spatu pergi biasa, lho lho lho ga jadi sepedaan nih ? *mulai ngambek* trus dia malah nyuruh aku pake jeans juga n spatu flat shoes biasa aja *tmbh ngambek dipikir ga jadi sepedaan* tapi dianya insist tetep sepedaan kok, ya udah dgn setengah ga rela pake flat shoes tetep aja jalan. Pas udah di jalan, lho kok nyetirnya mengarah ke city khan khan katanya mo daerah swan river yg di south perth kok ke city trus dia belok di
point fraser, di ujungnya city dan di situ nyempil banget tempatnya ketutupan bush dan tempat parkir ada tempat bike hire ! wohoo trus begitu sampe, jon sempet tanya lagi mo engga sepedaan *tmbh bete ga niat banget sih ngajakin orang kalo bilang sepedaan ya sepedaan ga usah pake tanya2an*. Ternyata maksud dia sepedaan adalah naek kaya model becak yang ada setir kecilnya dan jalannya dengan cara menggayuh itu becak berdua! hahahaha kocak abis sewanya $27/hr, kita hire buat 1 jam (yang sampe sengkleh genjotnya + kedinginan) keliling2 pinggirnya swan river di city side sampe daerah swan bell trus balik lagi hahahaha.

-fav scene in winter-

- Jon didalam becak -

- kedinginan walopun keliatannya sunny gitu -

Abis dari sepedaan, kira2 jam stg 12 gitu kita lunching di Emma's seafood dim sum muahahahahaha begimana mo sehat, sok sok sepedaan, capek dikit langsung tancap yum cha tapi kita makannya dikit banget kok cuman 4 macem dim sum lho hahaha + 1 mango pudding yang dimakan berdua itu aja udah kekenyangan hihihihi. Dari lunching, kita ke daerah nedlands agak2 west perth gitu ke apple centre naruh imac jon yg rusak trus kita ke claremont! jalan2 aja di daerah claremont, liat2 toko2 lucu, ngafe ya udah jam 4 sore pulang. Pake acara tidur siang dulu trus malemnya ke acara mantan cc kos yg baru ngelahirin anak ke2 nya, dinner bareng di china town sono bareng2 sampe jam 10 maleman gitu. Gila itu hari dingin banget yak sampe yang tadinya mo ikutan bubble tea sampe ga kuat dingin jadi pulang saja hahahah parah. Ya sudah begitu sabtu saya, how's your saturday people ???


till death do us apart.

Ngeri ga seh? Well, no Im not getting married anytime soon kok but I know lots of people will get married soon and it scared me a bit. Temen2 sekolah, i mean, high school friends are spreading the wedding invitations, not the sweet seventeen party invitations, suddenly we just grew up like that, huh?

I love weddings, always love weddings but as a reflection, it's the party, it's the wedding dress, it's how you organised the party, it's all about the excitement of the party, not the real point of a marriage. Love your life partner, in good times and bad times, in health and in sickness.
How can you decide to share your life with one person for the rest of your life ? How can you know that person is the one? What if that person would only give you sickness and bad times? what if that person can't afford your living cost? what if that person doesn't love you anymore? What if I'd be happier to live my parents instead of him? and there are more what ifs in my head?

People whom I talked about before, in such a young age, how can they decide something important like that? Most of us are still having the peak of life, having fun with friends, keep trying something new, exploring the world, enjoying the salary. I spent 18 year
s of my life at school and uni , spending most of my time studying and going to classes and just let them wasted 'cause I'll be a wife, staying at home and be a mom? hahahaha? a big no. I wanna have fun first, spending every penny on make ups, bags, shoes, clothings and travelling, it's a bit childlish i know, but deep down in their heart don't they want to do that as well as any other young adults? I deserve what I earn and I have every right to do anything with it.

For those who tied the knot at the very young age, please don't be offensed, I do respect your decisions. I'm just wondering how can you know it's the time to get married?


back in business

I know I know you all miss me much *muahahahahahaevillaugh* and I have thousand stories to be shared. Now wait a couple more days till I'm fit enough. see yaaaa


pertanyaan paling annoying

Tuh khan detik2 menjelang pulang, ada pertanyaan annoying yg bikin males pulang.

" Kapan pulang wen? kok sombong sih ga bilang2 mo pulang ?"

" Kamu gimana wen? tambah tembem ya?"

" Wen, kok diliat2 km tmbh lemu (baca:gendut) pol ya? ngapaen ae nde sana? makan tok ya? "


GRRRRRRRRRRR bikin esmossai.
Emang harus bikin pengumuman masuk koran ya kalo aku mo pulang ??
Bentar2 perasaan dulu pas di surabaya juga ga deket2 amat, pergi bareng juga jarang enak aja pulang harus pergi bareng dia kalo engga di bilang sombong. Emang saya ga punya keluarga ya disono. Aneh.

2 pertanyaan terakhir. speechless. terserahlah gimana, you asked you answered you judged. whatever sakkarep sampeyan.