

I know I'm no good at anything at all :(


yummiest from today

After relying myself in whatever left on the fridge, fast food dinner, and microwave food for weeks; I actually had something that I cooked today thou frozen mini hashbrown and sausage is not my favourite meal for brunch.


From ice skating 100 - icyo sportscamp 2009

tagged by bebe

What is your current obsession?
be a corporate communication manager in a multinational company.

What is your weirdest obsession?
be the most famous and reliable wedding organiser in the whole universe. but the thing is, im not a highly competitive person *teteuuppp topic of the day*

What are you wearing today?
legging dan kaos dan jaket *sportscamp day 2* masak pake mini dress gitoow

What's for dinner??
Bakon ambengan. nasi ayam kremes.

Why is today special?
sportscamp. selesai. yess no more icyo big event after this or at least for April muahahha. *napas*

What would you like to learn to do?
*kok grammarnya aneh ya - like to learn to do? * learning how write articles as good as world class journalists.

What's the last thing you bought?
Nasi ayam kremes. tadi pagi hungry jack's brekkie * kok makanan trus ya*

What are you listening to right now?
So you think you can dance - final show

What is your favorite weather?
winter. nothing beats the cool sensation in your face.

What is your most challenging goal right now?
getting all high disctintion for all my postgrad units. Wendy Shinta Lumanau, B.Comm, M.Marketing (with disctintion). Pasti langsung dibliin rumah ma bokap *ngarep*

What do you think about the person who tagged you?
young active talented fashionable lady.

If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
a house in applecross, the one that me and jon saw couple weeks ago, and we loved it. muahahah. ga usah aneh2 jauh jauh. disitu saja saya senang.

What would you like to have in your hands right now?
the buyer behaviour analysis assignment. and i can sleep tight tonite :)

What would you like to get rid of?
My laziness

If you could go anywhere in the world for next hour, where would you go?
tokyo and london.

Which languange do you want to learn?

What do you look for in a friend?

Who do you want to meet right now??
mommy and pop.

What is your favor
ite color?
Blue and white

What is the favorite pieces of clothing in your own closet?
currently: winter jackets. i welcome you winter with all my heart and soul.

What is your dream job?
I just answered it on the first 2 questions.

Where would you be in 5 years?
No idea. maybe melbourne or london? or stuck in here being a housewife?

If you had $1oo now, what would you spend it on?
hhmmm quite a hard one. maybe on the estee lauder mother's day special package or the jeans in a small boutique in mount lawley *heart it since the first time i touched it* but it's more than 100$

Your favorite thing right now?
my electric blanket

Do you admire anyone's style??
not really - I like them but I don't adore them.

Desribe your personal style?
a classic one.

What is your favorite TV show ?
Greys anatomy and friends

Miley Cyrus or Selena Gomez ? Why ?
i dont give a damn

The rules:
1.respond and rework; answer the question on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your invention, add more one question of your own.

2. Tag other people:
miss missicality
miss virginia


eh cepet juga yah

Ga kerasa lho udah week 8 nya uni. Duieenk 4 weeks lagi udah sls dan senang2 karna cuman ada 1 final exam muahahahaha. Berarti 3 minggu lagi they're coming ! yaaay plok plok plok. Bener2 stress 4 minggu terakhir, ngurusin youth mass, udah gitu ditempa badai assignment kaya org gila. Minggu lalu masak 4 assignment, 1 presentasi, 1 tes pdhl mng lalunya udah ga nyentuk buku sma skali ngurusi youth mass smp kaki bengkak huhuhu. Ahh ya sudah mulai minggu ini sudah tenang. mng dpn 1 assignment, minggu dpannya 1 presentasi tapi abis itu 3 assignment yang worthnya plg kecil 40% alamak mantapzz.

Eh tapi abis itu bulan juni, abis itu juli. yaaaaaaaaaaay. *soon to be explained.

ya sud, off to icyo sportscamp *tuh khan tiap minggu ada acara icyo* , hehehe cuman jd seksi makanan kok thn lalu ikut tapi abis itu kasian jon mijetin seminggu + dpt ngrowengan dr aku gara2 dia suggest ikut sportscamp



starving. now. need. dinner. ngubek2 lemari makanan ah ada apa saja di dalemnya. semoga ada easy mac ato easy easy yang laen.

--> update: ga jadi ngubek2 cari makanan. udah jam 11.40 malem. besok kerja jam 7, besok minta sisa kue saja muahahah nasib anak rantau.



It is done.
and the other four for next week. another one for the other week.
great. holiday, i miss you.


He knows better than you

He knows what I'm doing and He knows why I'm doing it.
and He absolutely won't ever let me down.
He's just there, standing right behind me, supervising me

He made a miracle, just on time.
Just when I was about to break into pieces.

Lucky me that I know Him :)

soon :)

Ough, I just want this to be over. ASAP. I don't think I can handle anymore of this. My mind is tired, my body simply can't cope with anything like this. I'm not a pro, nobody's a pro but let's say if it's done on the dot, I found no obstacles which is good, uhm, really good. Oh well, I still have my God, the only one who i can curhat to. Ah, really need to tell many things to someone.


eh eh eh

Kenapa sih klo graduation di indo mesti pake kebaya dan ber make up gitu ? trus kenapa beda2 semua graduationnya ? eh maksudnya satu angkatan bisa beda2 gitu. Kalo based on what i experienced ya satu angkatan plg beda 1 semester itu gara2 either ada 1 yg failed ato 1 sem cuman ambil 3 units just as what Kevin Yeo did.

Why oh why ? Oh ya trus skripsi itu apa sih ?

happy easter !

Hari ini di abisin dengan ... BEKERJA ! dari pagi (disuru dtg pagian karna super duper rame) dan parah ramenya, toko ancur, box2 di biarin aja dimana2, cake of the day belom di potong ! bekas milkshake di biarin, dishes blm dicuciin. Emang ruame parah. Napas aja sampe gantian, untung tadi bekerja dgn org2 yg sangat beres di toko itu heheh cuman bertiga sih kerjanya including me tapi customer rasanya ga sampe beratus2 yg di blm dilayanin sih. Enak bener kerja ma mereka. Kebiasaan kerja ma org yg aneh2, kmrn kamis tuh juga rame parah sama deh levelnya sm hr ini, tp kerja ma org yg dungdung. Masak abis ngeserve 1 customer itu orderannya ga dikasi dulu malah ngelayanin yg laen, gitu trus tuh sampe manager ngamuk2. muahahaha. eh kok jahat sih jadinya, tapi gimana lagi dianya aneh.

Tadinya mo nyusul ke easter vigil mass nya WAICC di north freo tapi tepaaar. Ga jadi deh, ke st joachim saja deh sama uskup hahaha lagian cuman 30 seconds walking from home. Ahhh home sweet home. Aduuhh pengen bobok nih.



lazy ass

Yak begitu ketemu hari libur, kepala udah ga mau lepas dr bantal. Mau ngapa2en pikirannya tetep mao tidur, pengen cepet2 kerjain apa aja biar tdrnya lamaan. Kpn bikin assignmentnya kalo gini. Woi bangun woi *tampar2 diri sendiri*

*menghela napas* lagi pantang utopia nih. sekalian aja udah 2 minggu ga minum bubble tea. Udah kebayang aja nih ntar pulang gereja minum bubble tea myaree. waaaaaaaaa. Tahan napsu tahan napsu.


banyak - updated

Pake dot points aja ya . . . .

- Free week udah ga kaya free week, seminggu penuh lat choir buat easter week. Ke gereja Kamis Putih, latian choir buat Jumat Agung, sorenya misa Jumat Agung, sabtunya kerja full time dari pagi ama closing, langsung cabs choir easter vigil di Fremantle !!!!! ngebut dah. Minggu depan bakal sibuk ngurusin Youth Mass. tiap ari liat anak ICYO trus, ga tau jadi tmbh deket ato tmbh enek.

- Kalo tiap assignment di value $100, aku udah kaya sekarang. assignment tumpah ruah mengelilingi hidup. nikmat.

- It's funny when you realise that a " thank you, this is the best coffee i've ever had" sentence would really make my day and a "ih ga becus banget si lo" sentence would ruin my whole life and dapet luka batin.

- Be careful of what u said.

- Pengen potong rambut, uda ga ada modelnya nih.

- Kangen shoe shopping !

- Pengen naek pesawat, terserah pswt apa yg penting mau dpt feelingnya.

- Kok perth tmbh panas ya? bukannya harusnya tmbh dingin ya?

- Red is definitely not my colour. The funny thing is my car is red.

- Fruitloops n tuna cans udah jadi main dinner selama kuliah. but im not complaining, that's weird.

- Udah ga pernah nonton tv, nonton dvd, nonton apapun deh.

- Suddenly i know what I wanna do for the rest of my life.

- Eh ayam KFC indo paleng mantep lah.

- Kepengen makan seoul bbq.

- Udah 2 mng ga minum bubble tea. parah. *kata mendi, aku passive incomenya boss utopia*



Does every girl have to be size 6 ????? Oh yes, I gained weight. and now suddenly it got something to do with you. thank you for your attention but i don't need it. what is your problem ? I hate going back to my hometown and every single person i know including every single -very not important - people i know will complain how chubby i am now. SO ????? SO ???? fucked up your own business that got nothing to do with me. I AM HAPPY with all the fat i have. I hate your little ******* mouth that obviously had no filters.

oh, I don't mind if I pretend not to know each other when we meet in the future. I'm happy to do that, much happier than listening to your comment on my weight. Just fuck off and shut up.


apa ya ??

Ya ampun udah lama banget ga crita2 disini. Saking banyaknya yg mo di tulis sampe ga tau mesti nulis yg mana duluan. Ehm, apa ya?

Lagi struggling nih bikin essay pdhl cuman 1500 words lho !!! masalahnya ya itu, udah lupa bikin essay gimana muahahahahah dulu pas bachelor bikinnya report terus ga pernah essay. Lah ini sekali di kasi essay less than 1500 words pula, lha kok stuck gini. 4 hari bok. merem melek mikirin essay tapi nol buntung. 5 jam lagi dikumpulin!!! klo gini ya saat2 plg nyebelin. Mending ngosek wc, ngosek dapur, vacum satu rumah semua kamar plus bersiin garden deh daripada bikin assignment. hahahha.

Eh senen kmrn ya ada kejadian najis bgt tau ga seh. Khan group assignment yg mng lalu di hand in uda sls di mark sama itu lecturer khan, lah pas di bagiin it turned out that our group dpt highest mark satu kelas trus team leader group yg dpt plg rendah marah2 aja lho. sebel gitu tampangnya mo nangis smbl marah ke lecturernya knp plg rendah. Lha terang aja lho itu lecturer ngasi tau salahnya dimana, knp bisa salah gitu gitu lah. Eh dia bilang smbl mau nangis katanya" i'm not used to it, I'm always number one, always on the top". Lah, groupku sampe bengong aja lho semuanya. najis syalala. that's life lah ya.

Ga kerasa lho udah mo paskah minggu depan ! wow berarti udah selama itu aku ga belanja muahahahhahaha.

ah udah lah ntar lanjut lagi. 400 words to go !!!!
after tonite, 8 more assignments to go !!! yes yes yes *creepy smile*