
busy bee till next monday

tuesday: working @ warwick, overtime until 7pm. it's 10 hrs working plus 1,5 hr driving back and forth through the traffic jam, thought of having dinner with friends but then was told that we're having an urgent choir practice for tomorrow's diplomatic reception. finished the practice @10pm, had a quick dinner then

wednesday: late to work ;p . Straight to Indonesian consulate after work had a very light meal there, finished the performance at about 7.30pm then straight to another choir practice at Cha2's (it's East Vic Park to City and then back to Winthrop and back home to Bentley). Got home at 10.30pm with hunger and still wide awake but my body is frickin tired.

thursday: I need to sort my medicare application tomorrow morning then need to pack for sydney trip on monday, clean my room, cook for dinner. Afternoon shift tomorrow. Prepared to be home at about 9ish pm.

friday: working @ warwick, another 1,5 hrs driving back and forth, will go straight to ICYO nite at Attadale.

saturday: working till 5pm, straight to my friend's wedding meeting, straight to another ICYO retreat meeting.

sunday: I have to go the earliest mass, I probably go to Cannington parish @ 8 am then straight to choir rehearsal for the 12pm performance. ICYOers are expected to attend Fr Ari's farewell in St. benedicts parish straight after the Murdoch performance. Farewell dinner for Fr Ari with ICYO committees at 7.30pm.

monday: have to go to Corica by 8am, straight to work until 5.30 pm. Another packing session then straight to airport.


Selamat hari merdeka, INDONESIA !!

and it reminds me how bad i miss my motherland while I'll be working for the whole day tomorrow. I regret that I didn't take the day off tomorrow as ICYO choir will be singing on the ceremony in the Indonesian consulate.

aku kangen Indonesia dan segala hingar bingar pada hari kemerdekaan.


Ok, here's the story

Khan emang udah lama banget pengen Iphone tuh, tapi nunggu plan yang ini abis. Disaat udah bisa upgrade ke iphone 3gs nih (kira2 bulan Mei akhir), di hari dimana aku mo ke toko 3 buat upgrade eh paginya ada news bahwa bakal ada Iphone 4 release bulan Juli di US dan akhir Juli buat Australia. Ya udahlah aku di suggest kiri kanan buat nunggu yang baru. Di tahan2in tuh pake hape butut kacrut itu. Lah skrg dihari dimana Iphone 4 kluar di Australi ini, aku kerja dan 3 dealer stores engga dapet stock sama sekali yang dapet cuman 3 stores di city n carousel dan selebihnya di apple store. Ya udah, nunggu aja siapa tau ntar yg second batch stock kita pada dapet. Eh ternyata baru bakal dapet kira2 4-6 weeks from this week (!)

Ya udah ditahan2in lagi pake hp kacrut itu, sampe minggu lalu ke apple store (mampir doank 5 menit) eh kok rasanya lebih cepet kalo beli outright aja (unlocked Iphone) walopun rada mencret bayarnya tapi ini butuh hape. Minggu ini dibelain2 ke apple store ujan badai di lewatin eh stocknya habis. sebel banget dah. mana orang2 bilangnya niat banget sih bli iphone, kenapa ga upgrade hape yang laen aja, kenapa ga bb aja. KENAPA SIH ??? emang aku butuh iphone, karna udah pengen itu dari taun lalu dan skrg hape LG ini udah mati beneran, ini aja pake hape pinjeman temen. Duit juga duit sendiri, yang kerja keras juga bukan elo gitu. Intinya pengen nangis nih kalo iphone minggu depan belon ada, ini udah ngidam Iphone setaun lebih !

ps: di aussie ini pake sistem plan hape, jadi kontrak sama providernya 2 tahun dan itu termasuk hapenya. Jadi gimana ya jelasinnya? kayak bayar $49/month itu dapet pulsa yang buanyak + hapenya juga. intinya bayar pulsa aja tiap bulan bonus hape hehehe. Tapi kalo mau bli hape sendiri juga gak papa sih tapi diitung2 lebih mahal, kalo ga mau kontrak sama provider tertentu mending bli hape sendiri trus pake prepaid connection.



capek buanget 2 hari ini. Kerja rodi bok, bener2 dah CEO bukan padahal tapi banyak buanget yg mesti dikerjain, kemaren sampe baru pulang kerja jam 6an hiks pdhl kmrn kerja yg di warwick yg 40 menit dari rumah. Capek ati sih kerjaannya dimarahin customer, pdhl udah 2 jam kiri kanan pegang telpon tapi engga dijawab sama sales support, telp other stores juga engga membantu. Sales juga kagak dapet itu 2 jam, pagi2nya juga udah banyak kerjaan, numpuk banget lah. Pulang2 maunya bersantai sama jon mo bli iphone 4 trus ngafe gitu, eh ternyata mesti meeting buat leadership camp mana ngomongin AD/ART pulak berat bok sampe jam 11 malem lebih. Tambah teparlah diriku.

Hari ini ga kurang juga dramanya, systemnya down ! buset i lost 3-4 customers! radak anjing sih itu bos2 udah tau system fallback, masi dimarain customer gara2 bisa bkin kontrak, sales support juga fallback ga bisa manual juga, si bos gede juga cuman bilang ya mintak aja lho kontaknya trus di telp kalo udah balik. yeee emang gampang ya begituan. Ini kontrak2 an sampe aku bawa plg ya, bleeeh sampe males liat tas isinya kontrak semua soalnya hahha.

Ini mata udah kayak panda, capek banget, exhausted tepatnya. jelek banget dah tampang saya, rambut udah kacak kadut, mata panda, kulit kering, bibir pecah2. haduh perlu perawatan muka ini.


beef rendang, cheese and wine

Hi all, I've been pretty busy with the choir practices and those sort of church events these couple of weeks, leaving me craved for homemade dinners and just sitting around my lazy chair in front of TV. Another thing that I've been craving this whole time other than an Iphone 4 is BEEF RENDANG, the one that one of the aunties at church once cooked for us. But then, too lazy to search around for the recipe and taadaaa my sister suddenly called me that she cooked rendang and yes at that time I promised my stomach to eat rendang ASAP. So, yeah I cooked it yesterday turned out to be really good and cook it again this afternoon and maybe tomorrow and the day after maybe ;p

Well oh well it also turned out that I put too much water on the pot so I made quite a lot of beef broth and I thought I had to make something out of it as well so I made the beef ball soup as well tonite :) While waiting for the soup to be cooked, I sat down and started munching the brie cheese and crackers and thinking of this could be better with the sparkling wine, so there I was having my favourite brie cheese and corn crackers with that superb sparking wine and I even had beef rendang for my dinner. It's a really nice chill out after not being able to relax at all after work for couple weeks.



ga punya waktu, mo masak lho ya kapan masak? tiap malem ada ajaaaa, yang choir yang meeting yang kerja yang misa pertama harus choir. Udah ga sekolah kok tambah sibuk ? jadi pusing sendiri ini. Mana kerjaku khan harinya RADAK awkward ya jadinya jarang pergi dan pacaran huhuhuhu. Gimana mau kurus dan irit ini? seminggu makan di rumah maksimal 4-5 kali tok. Kayaknya it's the time of the year again, when all the big events clash with my comfortable time *nyeeeh*

silly me

you know that i love you. it's just that my world has been filled with sarcasm these days and i know i should have left them at where they should be. no, not when we're together.

i'm sorry. btw I owe you KFC and MCD. This weekend babe?