
30 menit lagi

saya harus antre tes speaking ielts. yang tadi2 writing, listening, reading yaa susah juga engga, gampang relatif tapi ga tau nilainya berapa. didoaken saja. heheheh. nganggur niih ngapaen coba stg jam clingak clinguk, untung di uni sendiri masi bisa maen inet'an.


Perth Hail Storm

There is only one word: SCARY.

Hail stormnya cuman less than one hour, damage cost more than A$100,000. Untung waktu itu aku lagi kerja sampe jam stg 6 mlm, jam 4an gitu lampu shopping centre sempet mati trus nyala langsung abis itu orang2 yang masuk pada basah kuyup trus semua bilang diluar ada storm. Abis itu mulai kedengeran lightenings, thunders, hujan deres banget, trus bunyi krotok krotok di atep ternyata itu hailnya serem abis segede2 bola golf gitu. Jam stg 6 pas keluar, banjir aja lho parkiran park centre, banjir sepintu mobil, mau keluar ke albany hwy banyak mobil kelelep dan mogok. JRENG JRENG JRENG. mobilku khan kecil lemah manual tak berdaya gitu udah serem aja kalo mogok gimana mana jaringan telpon juga kaco putus2 gitu n ga nyambung gitu. serem banget dah. Sepanjang jalan traffic light mati semua, banjir2, macet total sampe yg biasanya less than 10 mins udah sampe rumah ini stg jam lebih. dan dan dan lampu mati sepanjang jalan, shopping centre juga mati, mcd juga mati, semua deh.

Sampe dirumah langsung lemes lho, udah basah kuyup gitu pengen mandi aer anget khan. LAMPU MATI AJAAAA di dalem rumah gelap abis gitu sampe akhirnya jongkok di dpn rumah sambil telp jon nyuru dia nemenin hehehehe loser abis. ternyata oh ternyata dimana2 jalanan macet total ga gerak jadinya ya udah ga jadi kesini deh jon. Di rumah pun mandi gelap2, makan gelap untung beli makanan tadi siangnya cuman ya itu manasinnya manual pake kompor hehehe. Jam 8 malem udah manis ditmpt tidur, kedip2 doank mau belajar ga bisa, bikin assignment ga bisa pdhl ada yg due besoknya, nyalain laptop cuman tahan bentar, batre ipod abis. Khan ga pernah ya lampu mati jadinya kita ga siap apa2 donk mana lilin cuman ada 3 itu aja bekas retret hehehhe. Ya bengong2 aja dalam kegelapan sambil sesengukan di bawah selimut. Papa mama pasti tau lah kalo anaknya yg satu ini benci banget sama lampu mati, kalo di indo aja lampu mati pasti tangan udah nyamber telp, telpon ke pln tiap 5 mnt. Disini? yah udah dibilangin se Perth pada mati semua mo gimana coba.

Besok paginya masih tetep mati lampu lho, ternyata parah banget bangetan itu storm. Kings park sampe mudslide, apartemen2 mountsbay yg bagus2 itu kena lumpur aja lho hehehe. Mobil2 pada bolong2 ancur2 kena hails, Curtin uni sampe mulangin student2nya lho gara2 fire alarm nyala, pintu2 automatic ga bisa kebuka, atap library roboh, banjir dimana2. Yah yah yah sampe detik ini masih ada 16rb rumah di perth yg blm dapet power back.

mau liat foto2 bekas hail storm di perth. klik disini.


Since this is Lent season and me, as a Catholic, have to give up something that I like. So, I decided to give up meat for this year, it's just something that I haven't done before, being a vegetarian for 45 days. You must know that eating vegetarian menu or cooking different vegetarian menus is absolutely killing my -already dying- cooking brain. I only know couple menus to cook that always contains tofu and tofu and mushroom and if someone opens my stomach it will be just tofus and some chinese vegies. I finished class at 8pm, got home STARVING like havent eaten for 2 days, looking at my frigde and AH HA i found fresh spinach and ricotta pasta and that's when brain suddenly awakes from the dead. I made this fresh homemade yummy pasta. I think this is my second best vegetarian food after agedashi tofu.

disclaimer: this photo doesn't look appealing but the TASTE is HEAVEN.


Spinach & Ricotta agnolotti (dumplings) - mine was Remo pasta
Tomato paste - mine was Remo Tomato pasta and red wine
Oregano - cant live without it or Basil leaves
Fresh mushroom, cut into smaller pieces - I was using fresh white mushroom
A bit of feta cheese, crumbled

A bit of black pepper
A bit of sugar

How to cook:

1. Boil pasta until cooked and drain.

2. Use a saucepan, put the tomato paste first, sprinkle with oregano or basil leaves and black pepper and sugar. Wait until hot, put a little bit of water to difuse the paste and then the pasta, stir it well.

3. Put in the mushroom and feta cheese together, stir it well until cooked.

4. Then, ready to serve.


Sprinkle with oregano, parmesan cheese and in my case, the sweet chilly cream cheese. Teehee I'm a cheese person.

Trust me, I couldn't make pasta before, they always tasted so bad that I gave up cooking them. But this time, it is realllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyy gooooooooood like the one you have in an Italian restaurant. Next time you make pasta, use tomato sauce and herbs.

My agedashi tofu and agedashi mushroom isn't that bad as well. trust me, I'm getting better. Ask Jon. teeheee