
makasi :0

Arigatou... for doing my business capstone
reflection paper :D
he really looked that serious doing that stupid paper while me ...

busy taking pictures hahahaha ......

highlight of the day

Remember that $ 30 pashima, the one that I wanted before, the price went up to $60!
It's not worth it!
But then, a ha! I found this one, at Myer for only $34 ! what a bargain !

love it love it

don't be surprise if you see wearing this pashima for most of the time, lagi on fire pakenya!


wouldn't it be nice if you tell me why?

act as a human, if you are and don't be such an animal.
don't remain not spoken about that and pretend not knowing anything.


half hearted towards you.

and i trust you less than before.
my world has been twisted around lately,
the colours are now gone and
the flawless, bright, shining future is gone as well.
i fully trusted you but you are just the same as the others.
thought you would be different, but you are not.
susah banget sih hidup ini.


kemaren pas misa adorasi JCI (Journey of the Cross Icon, klo ga salah) tiba2 ada suara nyuruh ngaku dosa, pdhl selama ini keukeuh ga mo ngaku dosa pake basa inggris, susah bok ! tapi ternyata kmrn gampang2 aja kok hahahaha. abis ituuuu legaaaaaaaaaaaa. beneran lega.



ternyata orang itu semakin menyebalkan saja.
you can be difficult, i can be mean.
ngaca dulu donk baru nyari salah orang laen !!! sebel !


Queen of Heaven

This is intended to answer the question from one of my friends who used to be a Catholic but I did not have the correct answers.


Q: Why are you still being a Catholic? you are worshiping Mary, that's dangerous, the one that you should only worship is God. Open your bible and tell me which part does it tell to worship Mary.

A: No, Catholics don't worship Mary, we never do that . we pray for her as our mother, look before Jesus died on the cross, He told his disciples " She is your mother" and told Mary as well " This is Your son", pointing to his disciples. --> I knew we don't worship Mary but I was clueless about what i should have explained.

NOW. aha ! i have the answers.

Catholics defined worship as the sacrifice of the Body and Blood (refer to Jesus who died on the cross and sacrified Himself for us) and Catholics would never have offered a sacrifice of Mary on the altar. We sang songs to Mary, we petition Mary in prayer and preach about her but not on the mass, not on the altar ! That is not a worship.Catholics do not define worship as songs, prayers and sermons.


1. She is not a goddess - she is worthy of honour and veneration but not worthy of worship, which is to be given to God alone.

2. Mary was a creature uniquely fashioned by her Son as no other mother has ever been or will be.

3. Mary rejoiced in God her saviour because Jesus saved her from sin from the moment of conception.

4. Mary's title as Queen of Heaven was based on the honor of being the Mother of Jesus, the King of Kings and the Son of David. Jesus Himself, elevated his mother, Blessed Virgin Mary, to a throne at his right hand in heaven.

taken from Rome Sweet Home, Scott & Kimberly Hahn, 1993.

and no matter how hard you tried to pull me from being a Catholic, I would always be a Catholic. that is my only religion and will ever be.


my biggest dream ( is now gone )

Did i told ya that I have plans for my life, ehm esp my wedding day (still a long way thou.. ).
I planned every single details of it :) , I already have my speech, the theme of my wedding,
the design of the invitation, the order of proceedings, the songs that would be played on the day.
I've been planning it since like 7 years ago.
I'm a planner, aren't I ? 

Canon in D major

ever heard of that song? yup, that super famous wedding song was supposed
to be one of those songs.
I declared that song to be mine since I was 15, maybe. hahahaha. 
Then then then nowadays, that song has become more and more and more and more famous!
All the wedding ceremonies I attended would have played that song and I don't know how to react, should I be happy or sad? but definitely,
I won't use that song anymore. I know I'm too arrogant but yeah it would be my special day and I should ensure that no one could ruin it.

I already put a subtitute song on the list, thou..
HOWEVER, with an orchestra playing Canon in D major, my wedding day would be perfect. *dream dream dream dream*

hari ini cukup menyebalkan.

Hari ini saya sebeeeeel banged sama seseorang. sampe doa Salam Maria biar ga emosi ga keluar dan nyemprot orang itu. dan doanya cukup manjur, biar lega juga, dikeluarin di blog saja. Udah mata timbilen bikin kepala dan mata cenut2, eh ditambah seseorang
yang ga tau sopan itu. ya udah deh.


girls day out.

We went out to Carousel for (window) shopping and Spencer village for our lunch !

perfecto day after ehm how many weeks we haven't gone out ??


she got it !

my little baby sista is now officially a violist (she plays viola not violin!) of the Sydney Youth Orchestra and
her first concert would be on the 28th June 2008! The most exciting part is that she didn't even go for an audition, her unit controller appointed her directly ! and and and I would be flying to Sydney around the 25th or 26th of June 'coz it's her birthday (",)

Glad that she really enjoys her study and getting really good marks for this semester.
I know that you can make it, Yos !


hari ini panjaaang sekali .....

Hari ini dimulai dgn kerja jam 9.30 pagi karna dita mo bikin assignment jadi dia sickie, lalu saya cover shift dia dan my own shift ( it meant i worked for 7 hours today).

Yang harusnya kerja 3 orang, jadi cuman 2 orang tok ( wen n manager ) terusan tadi pagi we got problems with the computers ! both front and drive thru computers ! eh plus monitor di kitchen semuanya ga ada nyala ! mampus jadi berapa lama lupa, kita catet manual bok smua order dan harus di inget secara di kitchen ga ada monitor. Si manager udah bete aja tuh *what a wonderful morning* , trus dia telp help desk thingy lalu jreeeeeng beres udah *legaaaa* lalu lalu ada satu manager lagi dateng, kita berdua langsung tereak Thank God u're coming !! hahahaha

weeiitzzzz ... tapi .... 

karna hari ini ujan deres n windy banget, yang drive thru bojo buneng sampe antre2 ke jalanan gede, liatnya aja uda mo nangis ! di maki2 customer dari sebel, dongkol, mo marah, mulai biasa aja, sampe cuek aja hahahaha. Mana mesti handle front cashier and drive thru lagi bener2 mo muntab saya hari ini ..... tapi Tuhan emang slalu baek kok, tadi the -lettuce- delivery man dateng ke kitchen bagi2 cakes gitu hihihihihi lalu ada orang ngasi tips 10$ *winkwinkwink* trus hari ini ga ada manager yang pelit jadi dr tadi ngemilin chicken strips, chips, ambil2 minum, ambil2 chicken roll buat pulang hihihihihihihi. Yang kerja jam stg 4 juga lucu bgt orangnya, jadinya ketawa mulu sampe pulang.

Pulang kerja, vacuum mobil dulu di albany highway. Sampe rumah langsung mandi trus brkt lagi  mo nonton Untraceable di Carousel. Pulang rumah udah jam 9an laluuuuu leyeh2 sama jon sampe jam 12 trus jon pulang. 

Sekarang, saya capeeeeeeeek banged dan super duper ngantuk (besok kelas sangat pagi jam 8.30 T.T) ya sudaaa saya bobok yaaaa

Anditaaaaaaa never take a day off again yaaaaa kembalilah ke red rooster naaaaaak, nanti aku ambilin rooster roll deeeeh.... 



Current activities:

Skype'an sama mama papa nih pdhl di surabaya sono, papa lagi praktek dan itu komputer posisinya di kamar praktek papap. trus video call'nya ga boleh dimatiin sama papa. Jadi selama papa mriksa orang, kedengeran semua smua pembicaraannya. hahahahaha. aku nahan ketawa nih. tadi udah cekikikan trus di "sut2in" sama papa. hahahahahaha. ya sudah, ga penting sih ini. kangen papa dan mamaaaaaaa.

bon voyage Adi dan Eveline !

Salam Sunrise dan Opera House !
Have fun go mad di Sydney sana... skalian liatin yosi yaaa hihihihi
daaaa .....


i want 'em !

In the middle of doing my stupid assignment, I could still think of my current wish lists hahaha :

1. A
return ticket to Sydney for July 2008. approx $500ish T.T

2. A really
nice coat. $70 ? Target sells good quality coats with friendly prices.

3. The body shop eyeliner. $16.85. well, i gave up with Anna Sui one, and I can not use the one i had since it broke (yes, it really broke, that is why i never ever buy any Maybelline products anymore, except mascara). I'm a - the body shop - lover, i even use their hair brushes ;p

4. Oh yeah, i need
good and healthy food. I've been eating -unknown- food for almost 2 weeks, I thanked to my assignments for the sufferings. 

5. I want to
go somewhere with ion to do something fun! just the two of us, i've been treating him so bad these 2 weeks (blame my assignments again) thou he's been so good to me :)))) treating me very well, heheheh u'd better do that all the time :p . Any idea, ppl? cos i dun have any idea, doing something fun in perth? it already sounds pretty odd! hahahaha

ehm ehm ehm updates from my last wish list.
- I already bought that bronze shoes, only one pair. I decided to save money than buying the same shoes.
- I havent bought a hard drive nor that jacket! instead of them, I bought 2 perfumes ! - me so stupid laaa- 


Iklan clear

-versi JAWA-
Aq ambeg'an
Aq obah
Aq keringeten
Wong-wong ndelok kabeh

Aq seneng ireng
Ireng kuwi apik
Ireng ora enek ketombe
Sabene gae clear
ketombe ora teko meneh

Jenengku UDAN....

- ketawa guling-guling 2 hari-


love today.

Hari ini, not so bad at work, menyenangkan tepatnya walopun cuman aku, dita n the manager yang bekerja dr pagi sampe sore tadi tp kita udah bisa handle semuanya dgn baik ^^ and sudah bisa take orders drive thru, bisa denger and ngerti dengan jelas, bahkan bisa ambil order di kitchen sambil ambil chips ato lagi bikin quarter chicken *huahuhauhauhauhauha*.

Pulang rumah, disambut sama jon, piring2 udah dicuciin sama dia (udah kaya pasutri, eh tepatnya pembantu dan nyonya ding hehehehe) makasiii jonoooooooooooooo *xoxoxo* trus saya2 mandi lalu diajak makan sama dia ke hans cafe trus abis makan mampir ke toko korea bli cemilan trus ke chemist sblhnya, niatnya mo bli sabun mandi eh malah
kecantol bli 2 parfum (!!!!!!), bisan lagi diskon gimana donk khan udah ngincer itu escada sentiment, trus satu lagi
buat yosi. ahh pulang sambil senyum2 deh.

hari ini bikin saya hepi, walopun lg kerjain 2 assignments tapi lagi senyum lho dlm hati entah mengapa. 
maybe because you showed up in front of my house this morning, to surprise me.

*backsound: Ev'rybody's gonna love today love today love today datadiradidumdum - by Mika


higlight of the week.

1. The birth of my new baby dell. *see my older posts for more details*

2. Business Capstone- individual simulation yang -sumpah- mematikan abis. 2 hari otak kaya diperes.

3. Assignments. yang satu worth 70%, yang satunya lagi worth 30%. dua-duanya PR unit *yang -preferably- no grammatical error * dan dua2nya di hand- in before mid next week.

4. Mendjret2 seharian. Entah mengapa, kemarin seharian saya mules2 dan m*ndjret2 
sampe lemes.

Itulah ringkasan hidup saya minggu ini.


my new baby.


buat Mira, ini my new baby? maap pake hape jadi ga jelas hihihihihihihihihi kameranya mantep mir, tadi mendi n dita foto udah kaya cover film korea 
*forbidden love in san fransisco* --> judulnya huahahahauhauha. check aja di facebook. 

paradox of our life.

The paradox of our time in history is that

we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints;

we spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy it less.

We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time;

we have more degrees, but less sense; more knowledge, but less judgment; more experts, but more problems; more medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too seldom, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values.

We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.

We've learned how to make a living, but not a life;

we've added years to life, not life to years.

We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor.

We've conquered outer space, but not inner space;

we've done larger things, but not better things.

We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul;

we've split the atom, but not our prejudice.

We write more, but learn less; we plan more, but accomplish less.

We've learned to rush, but not to wait;

we have higher incomes, but lower morals;

we have more food, but less appeasement;

we build more computers to hold more information to produce more copies than ever, but have less communication;

we've become long on quantity, but short on quality.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion; big men and small character; steep profits and shallow relationships.

These are the days of two incomes but more divorce; fancier houses but broken homes.

These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands,
overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill.

It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom.

A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete.

Moorehead, B. 1995, "The paradox of our life", taken from http://www.trans4mind.com/counterpoint/moorehead.shtml. 

(maap, referencing ngawur -->> refer to Wendy Referencing bukan harvard maupun chicago)


did i change a lot? i mean, a lot?

Once, my closest cousin told me that I had changed a lot. She even barely knows me anymore,
she KNEW me but she DOESN'T KNOW me at all. She's like my eldest sister and concerns if she notices something wrong about me, well it's like a friend and a sister, you know, she'll tell if i do something wrong and so on...
She often asked me what happened to me, and just didn't believe my answer
(which,of course was nothing happened). 
From what she knew,
 I was a cheerful girl and a "light" thinker,
 I trusted people in seconds, 
I wanted to get marry before reaching the age of 25, 
I used to dream
 of everything,  I liked pop and light music, I ate only what I liked,
I bought lots of things in blue and white.

and from what she knows about me now,

I am a thinker, a heavy one ; I trust less people, I'm more addicted to bags, I'm not fussy about food anymore *it's good, isn't it?* ,
I want to get married at 26, 
I  only talk about what I like and 
avoid conversation about what I don't want to talk about,
 I like british rock and hates mellow pop songs, I'm addicted to planning my future, I'm a heavy planner and when things went wrong i would automatically piss off to EVERYONE near me, I bought less -bluey and whitey- things.

I feel....



when do i get my break time?

i hate the way i live now. i hate it.  i don't like my life at this very moment.

my two shitty days.

because of business capstone unit.

Certified Practising Accountant.

slamat menempuh ujian CPA besok!
jangan lupa bangun pagi lho! inget train dr bullcreek station jam 8.05 ato 8.10 lho, btw bullcreek itu mana sih? brp menit nyetir kesananya? hehehehe 

ga enak jadi accountant, udah lulus tetep lho ikutan CPA biar "certified" jadi selama abis lulus itu blm ter"certified" ya? apa gunanya kuliah trus? pelajaran yang aneh