
kaya ? sedih ?

weetttss engga, saya belom kaya kok.

Cuman engga tau mesti prihatin ato engga ini dolar aussie naek terus, malah parity terus sama US$ hehehhee (tertawa di atas penderitaan orang indo) secara kalo pulang indo sekarang, saya berasa miliuner (super hiperbola) bayangin dong bawa duit $200 ke indo bisa jadi hampir 2 juta. hihihihi berasa jutawan khan?



Using vodafone? check this website: www.vodafail.com

Haha I'll be the first person to laugh if they went bankrupt.

Christmas edition, part 3

Boxing day - Sunday 26th December 2010

Boxing day is a day after Christmas day, where all stores, esp big department stores like Myer and David Jones are having big sales on the day.

Mr J woke me up at 4.30 am, cos we wanted to queue up to get David Jones' shopping vouchers (they're giving away $100 something gift cards for the first 50 ppl), 7 of us reached city by 5am and found around 10+ ppl were there already (!). It was pretty chilled and windy before 8am and only 2 of us were jackets, the boys even had to take turns to wear jackets haha !

As we predicted, there were some ppl that cut the queue and we had to argue with the management and some chinese ppl who cant speak english at all that cut the queue (lucky, mr J took photos so we got evidences and an Aussie backed us up). There were so many Chinese ppl queued up and didn't speak english, we even joked that they came here with David Jones visa thats only valid on boxing day hahaha and for seconds, we're confused where we are exactly cos no one speaks english.

After 5 hrs queuing, we got the vouchers but we were so tired and sleepy (some of us didnt sleep at all) and it was full of people, humid and I didn't know what to buy, we even had to queue for the elevator ! Mr J was the only one that shopped yesterday, me? nothing at all, I wasn't in the mood for shopping, I was sleepy, the weather was freaking hot (another 40 deg day), billions of people in 1 small shop, let alone the changing room and cashier. I gave up by 2pm, almost fainted with dehydration and got nothing at all.

Back home at around 3.30 pm, had a quick nap, we and another 2 friends went to church for the sunday mass at 6pm. Me and Mr J decided to have our own xmas dinner in Adelphi house, Hilton but we called up since the afternoon to book a table but turned out that they closed :( and we ended up having dinner in Sizzler haha, we were that hungry and craving for steak but didnt wanna risk if we went to Mt. Lawley or city areas, some restaurants were still closed. We behaved quite well that nite, both of us only had 1 plate of salad before our steak came and 1 plate of dessert each :)

~ And that's the end of my Christmas holiday, unlike others, had to start my work from today O_O ~

Christmas edition, part 2

Christmas day - Saturday 25th December 2010

Woke up at 8am (blaming the summer sun for waking up too early), called mom and pop, and when I got out from room I stunned for a while looking at the present on my doormat and I knew it for seconds it was from my man :) he just never fails to surprise me esp with his "voucher" for a 60 stress massage at a proper spa place in a high class Perth suburban (he later told me that he pities me, working like a dog n that's his treat) and a perfume gift pack.

I finally "realised" that I was going to church for 11.30 am mass but (again) had to be there 10.45 for choir rehearsal n it was 9.30am, I had to make tiramisu for christmas dinner with friends and was that ready for making breakfast but turned out that I ran out of rice, bread or instant noodle and egg :( well I used the eggs for my tiramisu and that's it !

Oh, everyone say hi to Gwyneth, our former's conductor's baby, who was the star of the day. She is the most quiet baby I've ever met, spent most of her time looking at the choir quietly for the whole mass and "choo chooing" with us, her temporary baby sitters.
Cutest baby alive !

The weather was just worse than yesterday,highest point recorded was 42 deg!
Me and Mr J went home, ready for cooking tonite's festive dinner with Dodo and Panda, it was so hot that even the centralised cooler for my house didn't do much for that evening.

Getting ready for Xmas dinner with ICYO fellas in bongki's house, and we cooked more food there with more sweat haha ! in total, we had 5 huge main dishes and all gone quickly *big grin* continued with 5 different desserts haha ! but twas a good gathering, we all had fun there and I'm so grateful to have ICYO here :)

Christmas edition, part 1

Christmas Eve - Friday 24th December 2010

Was working the whole day, rushing to get home on time for the Indonesian mass at 7.30pm in Northbridge but we had to be there earlier because another youth group that WAS SUPPOSED to sing that night, canceled their choir few weeks earlier, predictable huh?
and again, ICYO had to take over the responsibility but we (obviously) sang better than their choir haha.

Had also a quick supper after mass with Jon's family in a Vietnamese restaurant nearby and the weather was still as hot as an oven, contradicting European's extreme snowing weather.
Merry Christmas from both of us !


Disclaimer for my previous photo!

Just realised that I look so fat on that photo, I had to hold my iphone on an angle where everyone captured perfectly in a pretty small space and of course except me that looked like i gained few kilos!

Ps: for my fans out there (hehehehe) i did lose few kilos actually so dont be tricked by that photo :p

So here we are

Queueing up since 5 am in front of david jones city and arguing with chinese ppl who cant speak english to get the $100 something boxing day voucher.


Have a very wonderful Christmas!

Happy birthday Jesus!

May us be filled with your love and your mercy and peace throughout the year. May all the people in this world also realise that Christmas is not always about gifts and parties but about the born of our life's saviour.

Bless us again with your love, forgiveness and peace.

I love you Jesus and Mother Mary,

Your sinful child.


all I want for Christmas is a better job.

Ya Tuhan, maafkan aku yang suka komplen ini tapi besok udah minggu lagi. Masak dari minggu ke sabtu lama banget tp dr sabtu ke minggu cuman napas bentar udah ganti hari.

Ampuni aku Tuhan tapi aku pengen resign secepetnya, bukannya aku ga bersyukur dan slalu mengeluh tapi tapi tapi tapi drpd sebel terus khan ya?


Nightmare before Christmas

Biasanya kalo menjelang Christmas gini, hati dan pikiran secara otomatis langsung mengaktifkan alarm liburan dan perasaan senang luar biasa. Baru kali ini, menjelang Christmas yang ada nelangsa, la wong ga libur cuman pas tanggal 25 tok yang libur bahkan tanggal 26 aja harus kerja :( plus kerjanya sampe malem2 terus.

Ya sudahlah, 10 minggu lagi liburan juga kok :) sekarang memang waktunya harus menabung banyak tapi kok pengeluaran ya banyak terus, ya bayar bill lah, mesti ganti cd player mobil, mesti service mobil, trus bentar lagi bayar rego mobil (yang angkanya bikin jleb jleb tabungan).

Hiburan disini adalah choir ICYO dan facetime'an sama Mr J soalnya jarang pacaran, satu pulang malem terus, satunya kalo sabtu bantuin bisnis bonyok, belum lagi kerja hari minggu, untung ada teknologi iphone 4.

Piye tho, kok nasibku nelangsa gini disini.

Sedih dan nelangsa.


Yang lebih tetot lagi

Saya ga bisa tidur!

Ini udah jam setengah tiga pagi sodara2 dan mata engga ngantuk sama sekali dan besok saptu yang notabene adalah hari brekkie saya bersama sodara Carissa (yang dimana Carissa jemput jam 8 pagi). Tidur 5 jam doank? bah, mana bisa noni satu ini tidur cuman bentar. Karce, besok telpon sayak ya, harap ditelpon jangan di whatsapp, percuma bunyinya cuman tung!


My uni friend, my closest uni friend I should say, will tie the knot next year. She excitedly asked me to help her organising her wedding.

I've got another friend who also is also getting married on the same day as her! and the thing is I am also the event organiser for her wedding and it's a big, full day wedding, from dawn to dawn lavish asian wedding.

TETOT ga seh. kenapa kalian berdua merit di tanggal yang sama, kayak engga ada hari laen aja.
awak jadi pusing khan ini.

intinya hidup saya lagi pusing ini, semua aspek lagi ribet bahkan dateng ke pesta kawinan aja ribet.

mari nyemplung swan river aja.


jeritan hati

I never thought that i would hate my job this much as much as i hate onion.
i thought this would last at least a year but this is not even 6 mths and i truly hate it, physically and mentally and it feels like eating my brain and my soul slowly.

I love the old management that it's breaking 2 asian hearts with the new racist management. I'm an asian, so what?

Sorry job, at least i tried to love you.
lets see what these asians can do to fuck you bastard bosses.


Si cantik dan si ganteng from L1147


Kata kotbah Romo tadi

Tidak ada kebahagiaan tanpa pengorbanan,

Tidak ada Surga tanpa mengubah diri kita dulu menjadi lebih baik.

my awesome life :)

I need to tell you all that I have an awesome life.
I don't know how to measure the awesome-ness of a life, so everything would be based on my experiences and it may be biased :)
I know and experience how the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and Saint Mary work in my whole entire life. If someone took away my Catholic-ism in my life, I wouldn't be myself.
Because of it, my life is extremely blessed.
I have my family that brought my life to a wonderful world and my parents who took me to different places in this world to experience it.
My life is obviously as beautiful as the world is.
I have a very understanding boyfriend who always acts as my guardian here, you must be angel that God sent to me, did u know that?
Thank you for perfecting my life.
I have friends here that always makes me laugh and shapes my life to be better. Friends in good and bad times.
You guys are my chocolate chips in my cookies.
but I have a terrible job and I truly hate what i'm doing now. and I'm sure God will take me out here as soon as He could.

then my life would turn to a very awesome better life !

Happy Sunday all :)


harapan kosong

The bubble will burst up soon and i am back from ground zero



I'm confused,
even with myself.
I don't even know whether I need some time with myself first or talk through it with others.
I don't even understand myself.
I just don't get it.

err, I don't know. I'm confused.

I think I need to reboot my brain and my life.


kiri kanan salah

Engga dijawab salah, dijawab juga tambah salah. Diem2 aja katanya engga punya tanggung jawab yah padahal yang punya tanggung jawab siapa juga.

Disaat2 kayak gini bener2 pengen jadi salah satu orang terkaya didunia yang bisa ngebeli apapun.

dan memecat orang itu.
rasanya pasti menyenangkan.


Karyawan yang bergaji sangat kecil dan lagi dirasis'in karna berasal dari asia.


si lucu

is my best Aussie workmate ever !

Hard worker, the best team player u've wish for, reliable, funny, motivating, and always bringing positive attitude to me. I might not have the best job in the world, I'd probably have the worst job ever but I have the best person to work with.

And he won't be there next week and the week after and the week after that and like for good :(

This is heartbreaking for me, it's like breaking up with ur boyfriend, not that I love him it's just weird not seeing him at work and no one that I can rely on, at work I mean.


Ga ada lagi yang sms tiap ari:
haha just arrived, waiting for you.
bubble tea? c'mon u want it
anything from coles?
ordering catchoftheday, want any?


Ga ada lagi yang bilang:
I'll pick up the phone.
Im bored kill me now
hey check this cool games
that's ok I'll sort these out
so what's for lunch? feel like hans and utopia?
Don't worry wendy, I dont leave u alone, I leave si ganteng with you.

Huwaaaaaaaaaaa T.T

I guess I will cry tomorrow.

Best of luck in the States, lucu, oh and I will miss you. much.

ps: can I keep you on fridge and defrost you when I miss you?


So, just saying

My dell lappie seems like getting the end of her life, its wifi connection is like having an on-off relationships with my router :( and that's why I prefer using my iphone for browsing esp I mostly browse internet using my work pc during working. I still love ya della it's just please hang in there until I get my Macbook ;p

Booking a hotel in Singapore for my next vacation is just like hell, errr for me at least, I wanna stay in a 3/4 star hotel but cheap rates and close to all amenities O_O and i feel like planning for the USA trip 2012 already! *fingers clicking SQ websites* - poking Dita, Adi, Mr J and Mendi.

It's almost the end of the year and another Christmas and new year celebrations here with the summer heat and working *oh yeah*


menjadi dewasa

Itu susah dan adalah suatu piliham, bukan datang secara tiba2 dalam hidup.


little miss happy


Just sorting out my happy places :)

1. Ikea. Love every bits of ikea.
2. Toy'R'us. Happy childhood moments.
3. My room. Love the smell of my quilt covers.
4. Singapore. and Changi. and SQ flights. Shopping heaven minus the Singlish.
5. Apple store. self explanation.
6. Imp cafe. I can hear my brain's always telling me that I must own this place someday.
7. Japan and UK and Vatican. my -honeymoon to be- destinations. *halah kapan kawinnya! plaaak*
8. Pokcan home. It might be small but that's where my heart and soul is.

So, what are your happy places?

Bye-bye Perth ! again

Only for the weekend though !


momski and popski are on their way to Sydney now (read: transiting at Changi airport and eating good food and shopping spree) !

my little baby sister is now an official bachelor of classical music. I must tell my mind that she is NOT that little anymore and arrgh that is a difficult thing to do actually.


Tau khan rasanya lagi jatuh cinta sama seseorang, senyum-senyum terus, cekikikan malu2 kalo lagi inget si dia, kalo mau tidur isi doanya semoga dia juga suka aku, kalo mau ketemu deg-degan tiada tara.

LAH itu dia yang wendy rasakan sekarang.

Tiap hari senyum2 liat fotonya, kalo bisa malah dicium2 itu fotonya, jantung berdetak lebih cepat tentunya kalo mau ketemu si dia. Kalo ngelamun eh pasti jatuh2nya mikirin dia lagi.

HAYO siapa dia? Yang bisa menggeser Mr J di hati Wendy *halah* ? Dan bikin Mr J mengalah mundur selangkah dari pikiran saya?

APALAGI kalo bukan *justekjustekjustek* a NEW MACBOOK AIR !!

Nangis mupeng tapi kata Mr J mending Macbook pro aja soalnya kalah hard drive dan lebih mahal $100. Tapi tapi tapiiiii aku sukaaaaaak tipisnya kaya ga kerasa gitu kalo make *loh kayak softex hahaha*

Haduh rasanya kayak lagi mau dipinang 2 lelaki, bingung mau pilih yang mana !


a million of stories

I miss writing. a proper public relations writing. no grammatical or spelling errors. Oh, I'm not drunk by the way, but I really miss the insanity of writing a proper paper.
Well oh well, I have a million of stories, billions probably to be written but they *obviously* are stuck in my brain waiting to be bombarded into several posts.

Let's just talk about my after uni life although it's kinda plain but I love the fact that I don't need to do any assignments at all ! *clapping*. Another good thing about my plain life is I'm able to plan anything again if you know me or have read my previous posts, you will understand how important it is for me to plan !

I'm a plan person, I plan every single thing and I can't stand an -unplanned- day, that would just drive me absolutely crazy and gregetan. So, here I am, starting to collecting the pieces of my life and yeah I'm ready for my big plan ahead *-_________-* -> it's a wide big smile for your info

Oh another interesting fact of me, I just rejected an employer. Yes, I did reject them. For the first time in my life, even tough it's a good opportunity for me and the money will be good someday but I'm pretty sure I won't be happy doing that. I know I might regret it sometime in the future but my mind kept saying don't take it wendy so for now, no thank you, no matter how much I hate my current job but I'm happy doing it and I know I'm pretty good at it ;p

Well well well see ya on the next posts !



Beneran deh, akhir2 ini berasa letoy dan ga ber-immune sama sekali, gampang banget sorethroat dan meriang. Plus weather yang engga konsisten ini, kalo siang panas menyengat kalo malem dingin begitu aja tiap hari sampe bingung kalo pake baju.


apa kabar dunia?

Apa kabar saya? Capek tapi seneng
Seneng di kelilingi temen2 tiap hari, dengan segala up and down kita yang bareng2 selalu ada kasih di dalemnya.
Kenapa capek?  
Tiap hari kerja, pulang langsung lanjut meeting ato choir. Tapi seneng juga retreat ICYO 2010 bisa membuat peserta dan komiti tercengang dan merasa jleb jleb jleb
dan tentunya saya lebih jleb jleb jleb lagi soalnya cuman ikut malam pertama dan hari terakhir karna kerja !! *maunya bolos tapi ntar dipecat gimana donk*
Mundur 2 minggu yang lalu
Saya juga capek banget tapi seneng soalnya ada keluarga disini walaupun lebih sering ditinggal kerja daripada ketemunya dan ngerasa dalem ati Oh gini toh kerja rasanya, engga bisa kaya dulu pas uni kalo ada family dateng yah langsung aja bolos ga pake mikir lagi. Sedih tapi mo gimana lagi, sudah nyemplung ke reality ini ga bisa mundurin waktu khan?
2 minggu yang lalu juga adalah convocation buat my master degree ! yang ternyata saya tidur the whole ceremony hehehhee abisan capek banget khan itu abis kerja trus karna duduk di first 2 rows dan tentunya maju pertama tuh abis itu tancep tidur sampe akhir acara, agak memalukan sih sama kiri kanan tapi bodo amat lah ya udah ngantuk. Foto2 akan meluncur di next post (soalnya ini nulis pake imel)


Wendy Lumanau



Si bos baru ini bener2 deh ga bisa apa2 coba ya, piye to pak gini area manager. Mending saya yang gantiin posisi bapak gimana? nanti saya bimbing deh pelan2 hihihi masak kerjaan basic banget kaya credit check lama bueneeer salah2 ngisi mulu lho ya piye to ya ktnya sudah expertise di bidang telco ini selama 14 thn.

Yang lucunya lagi dia ga brani loh telp support team hehehehehe tiap kali ada problem gitu slalu telpnya disodorin ke saya. sampe dimana ada point harus ngomong sama manajer on duty, dia juga ga mau, semua decision ditangan saya *evil laugh*

Sent from my iPhone


Highligh of the day

Harusnya hari ini masuk siang, tadi malem aku tidur jam 3 ato 4 pagi karna ini otak udah nge-set besok bangun siang, jadinya nonton youtube n streaming channel 10 trus baru bener2 tidur setengah jam kemudian. Terus as usual yaaaa, ini manajer yang moody sekali (read: ini hr terakhir manajerku kerja dan si lucu bakal jadi manajerku minggu dpn) sms aku jam 8 pagi coba ya !! minta aku masuk pagi jedeeenk trus sms yg pertama aku ga denger sama sekali (ya iyalah lagi enak tidur getoo) trus datenglah sms2 laen dari dia yg isinya "wendy this is my final request please come in earlier blah blah blah" jadinyaaa aku gubrak gubrak bangun tidur langsung mandi tanpa make up dan tanpa sisiran coba yaa untung msih sempet mandi hehehehe.
Lalu lalu di tempat kerja nyebelin abis seperti biasa kalo kerja sendirian itu kerjaan numpuk buanyaaak, telp2 juga ga brenti2 berdering dering sepertinya mereka senang menyiksa aku yg kerja sendirian. Tapi ada highlight donk itu 1 phone call, begini ceritanya:

** lagi sign up customer, doing credit check blah blah blah intinya lg repot abes
trus ada telp masuk

Cust: hi, is the guy there?
W: *bingung* what guy?
C: the guy that works there?
W: there are 2 guys here
C: oh the one wearing a cap -> manajer yang seenak udel masuk kerja
W: oh, he's not in today
C: oh alrite then i'll call back when he's in
w: oh he's not working here anymore, is there anything that i help? *masi manis*
c: oh i bought this phone couple months ago, do you remember me?

w: Errrrr.... nope unless you give me ur account details with us.
c: ok, so my phone now isn't working and i need a new one, can you give a new one now?

*gemana ga pengen marah coba yaaa tiap hari selalu ada 1 customer yang ajubileh pengen dijitak kepalanya, dia pikir aku mama loren apa do u remember me trus seenaknya gitu minta ini mintak itu semua ada policy sendiri begookk. Bingung deh orang bule itu sumpeh ga ada yang smart sama sekali parah payahnya sampe kesel seubun2"

w: If you can come today, I can check ur account and see what i can do to help you
c: Nope, Im working mate, is there any 3 stores in ellenbrook
*Seenak udel nyuru2 orang dia pikir ini yellowpages apa ya*

w: Ehmm not sure about it, if u can check our website you can browse there, I can't remember any, have to check it online
c: okay u check it online
w: *bingung satu tangan ngetik credit check, satu tangan buka company website nyari branch di daerah situ*
c: *tiba2 hapenya bunyi trus ngomong2 sama orang yg ditelp trus di tutup aja loooh itu telp sama saya*
w: *banting telp!*


bersama si bos

Ini perasaannya akward banget ya, lagi kerja sama si bos baru yang sangat aneh, pendiem trus kaku banget gitu. aku mau bos yang lama :( tapi untungnya dia bosnya managerku bukan direct managerku hueheheh. sementara direct manajerku sangat asik soalnya masik seumuran dan lucu dan rame hehehe trus ada satu casual yg kadang2 kerja sama aku, sebut saja dia si ganteng hahaha. jadi selama ini aku kerja sama si lucu, si ganteng dan si aneh, paling ga enak ya kerja sama si aneh ini jadi sok sok sibuk gitu padahal udah ga tau mo ngapaen lagi akhirnya buka imel aja sok sok an nulis imel pdhl nge blog hehehe, terima kasih sama teknologi imel yang bisa langsung nyambung ke blog.


Wendy Lumanau


Aku ingin begini. aku ingin begitu.

To be honest, saya bencay kalo lagi day off kerja. Kenapa? Karna day off = hari cuci baju, setrika baju, bersiin kamar, masak2, dan bersih2 yang laen2. dan itu tentu saja menghabiskan waktu 1 hari full yang dimana akhirnya saya bakal kecapekan trus tidur siangnya udah jadi tidur sore yang ga bisa lama2 karna hari senen adalah hari choir jadi jam 7 malem teng udah harus siap berangkat choir.

Itupun belum termasuk masak juga. hayoooh kenapa sih harus makan di kehidupan ini? kenapa ga pake napas aja cukup, secara aku bukan ahli masak yang otaknya langsung tokcer kalo urusan masak. Nyetrika masih jauh leeeeebiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih enak daripada masak kemana-mana, kalo orang laen benci setrika, cita cita pas aku kecil malah jadi tukang setrika *rendah bener yak*.

Pengen banget pas day off gitu ya jalan jalan, belanja, duduk baca novel ngafe sendirian (beeeh pengen ini udah lama bener dah) ga pake mikirin itu cucian udah beres belum itu kamar udah di vacuum belum. Belum siap neh lahir batin disuru kawin secara cuci baju aja ga beres hahaha ngomel mulu kerjaan.

Tapi abis bangun tidur tadi berasa ya udah lah ya namanya juga lagi sibuk, ntar ga ada kerjaan apa2 ngomel juga ga ngapa2en. Ya udah lah ya cuci baju buanyak khan masi pake mesin cuci belon juga pake tangan lagian itu baju kerja mesti dicuci eniwei khan, ya udahlah ya kalo ga bisa masak masih bisa beli makanan ya ga? ya sudah lah semua di syukuri saja ke Tuhan udah dikasi kesibukan yang bener. hehehehe. Tapi minggu depan boleh belanja ya Tuhan ya? ya ?


as I promised.

After Yosi's final recital, we (mum and I) did her make up and hair in less than 15 mins, massive hair spray and bobby pins involved ;p and tarraaa she turned to a lady like as she's always been a tomboy

This is the railway on Blue Mountain and apparently it's the steepest railway in the world. It was fun riding it thou it only took less than 3 mins to go down and up again. teehee

The whole family with Three Sisters scenery :)

After Yosi's final recital, all were smiling and relieved that it was over.

Normal pose at the Sydney Harbour Bridge


kehidupan akhir akhir ini

. About the job .
I love my new job, not new really, i just moved to another company, still on telco industry same job same shit but better people, better commission and closer to home. It just feels better when I wake up on the morning knowing that i am actually loving my work environment and all my workmates. I moved last July, with the help from God knowing that me didnt fit in that corporate environment. He works in a very misterious way, i tell ya. but without working in that company i wouldnt be working where i am now. God knows me too well :)

. About ICYO .
I happen to be the treasurer of icyo now and I was selected to be one of the president candidates ! I was surprised as I thought I didnt have the "Qualifications " to be the leader of the young catholics here but again, God works in a very misterious way, I was sent to Melbourne for work training on the election day and Yeah Carissa is now the president of ICYO. i love all the new members of ICYO, all the fun we have all of these times that reminds me a lot how this organisation took a very important part of my life 4 years ago and how hard it is for me to live without them :)
I love how God is still "choosing" me to work for Him no matter how tired i am everyday or how grumpy i was when it comes to endless ICYO events. Everytime I feel "mad" of how busy i am, i always sit down alone in a cafe and remembering all the good times i had because of serving Him and so far it still works. iloveyouICYO.

. About the family .
I finally met my aunt from dad's side after six years !! bcos she lives in Holland and our holiday schedules just never got matched. I thank God a lot for Yosi's final recital qnd her degree as a classical violist with distinction ! I know exactly how proud i was when she texted me about that and i am sure as well that my parents are really proud of her talent :)
I also thank God a lot bcos my parents support us so much that they come to Aussie 3 times this year once every month just to see me and Yosi graduating. I do really know now how hard it is it earn money and I am really thankful that my parents are still able to afford travelling back and forth from Indonesia.

. About my man .
Yeah , we are still together as usual :) and again when i dig in the old days it is amazing how God works misteriously in introducing him to my life and after these years, i can proudly say that it feels good to have someone that also walks heading to the same pathway and someone that holds your hand all the time. And yes, we are getting more serious for the future *fingercrossed+matakedipkedip*

and yuup that sums up my life these days.

Sent from my iPhone


Si Vonni.

Yup, sebelum cerita di kepala saya berjamur maka marilah saya nulis semua yang sudah pernah saya janjikan.

First story: Meet Vonni, the iphone 4.

Seperti yang dulu sudah diceritakan ttg perjuangan keras mendapatkan si dia (bolak balik ke Apple Store pulang kerja nembus macet dan rebutan parkir plus niat tinggi naek bis menghadang ujan pas day off), plus tragedi si LG udah koma. Semangat nyari Vonni sempet mundur gara2 ya itu susah bener, mo plan ga ada stock, mo bli outright juga ga ada stock.
Sempet sebel banget itu lalu si Jon pas 17 agustusan abis dr nyanyi di konsulat tiba2 udah antre aja di Apple store city sambil telp saya yg lagi kerja. 10 menit kemudian, ada telp lagi dari Jon yang mana itu Vonni udah di tangan ! wohoo 2 thumbs up for my man !

Dan walaupun belinya outright dan sempet nyesek ngeliat nominal tabungan kok tambah ngenes gini. It is worth all the pain and the best $859 I have ever spent.


gimana seh caranya masukin lebih dr 5 foto ke blogspot?


yak lanjut

Sibuknya. Sudah baca khan last posting ttg sibuk ajubileh itu, ternyata berlanjut sampe detik ini. Ibarat ini lomba lari, garis finishnya masi minggu depan tuh.

Dilanjutken dari itu yak, senen malem pas mo ke sydney ternyata pesawatku di delay mak, satu jam sih tapi perlawanan hebat sama ngantuk itu lho tiada duanya mana udah di tinggal jon soalnya kita pikir bakal on time.The last 3/4 pesawat itu tinggal ke Sydney semua lagi jadinya itu ya udah setengah tidur eh ada halo2 pesawat ke sydney jadi kaget2 gitu yang mana neh pesawat saya. Yak akhirnya setelah pegel2 tidur di pswt (yang bujet yang ga dikasi apa2 jadi kepalanya radak nge gantung gitu pas tidur), saya mendarat juga di erport mana papah tercinta surpres menjemput di sydney airport dan tentunya saya diantara kebelet boker dan ngantuk parah masi setengah ga sadar siapa ini orang panggil2 nama saya.

Yang pasti di sydney terjamin makan pagi siang malam morning tea afternoon tea tapi yah begitu2 aja disono ga ada yg particularly interesting sama aja kaya perth (tokonya bukan buka sampe malemnya). Ya khan, ini tujuannya menyupport Yosi yang mo final recital (yang dimana dia maennya sangat banget bagus ! Yosi you rock !! ) dan nemenin Yosi final ensemble (yang juga dimana dia kepilih recording best of aim students ato apalah itu ga ngerti dan juga dimana saya ga tau ternyata dia udah kepilih tiap trimester dr taun lalu, kakak macam apa aku ini *plak)

Hari terakhir di Sydney kita semua ke Blue Mountain yang bagus ! dan di rekomen kalo turis ke NSW ! Trus ya sudah besokannya balik lagi ke Perth sampe sini juga langsung ke gereja misa sore langsung lagi juga ke acara ultah temen sampe jam 10 malem ! tepar parah.

Minggu lalu juga khan masi ada tante yang jauh2 dateng dari Holland buat ngunjungi Yosi dan saya jadinya ya seminggu juga masi nemenin dia jalan dan makan hehehe. Intinya jadi turis lagi minggu lalu.

Hari ini yang saya kira jadi hari libur !! ternyata bapak bos nyuru kerja >.< sebel ga seeee?? setelah nego nego minta kerja siang saja hahhahahahaa.

Foto2 menyusul di next post ya !

ciaoo dan good nite !


busy bee till next monday

tuesday: working @ warwick, overtime until 7pm. it's 10 hrs working plus 1,5 hr driving back and forth through the traffic jam, thought of having dinner with friends but then was told that we're having an urgent choir practice for tomorrow's diplomatic reception. finished the practice @10pm, had a quick dinner then

wednesday: late to work ;p . Straight to Indonesian consulate after work had a very light meal there, finished the performance at about 7.30pm then straight to another choir practice at Cha2's (it's East Vic Park to City and then back to Winthrop and back home to Bentley). Got home at 10.30pm with hunger and still wide awake but my body is frickin tired.

thursday: I need to sort my medicare application tomorrow morning then need to pack for sydney trip on monday, clean my room, cook for dinner. Afternoon shift tomorrow. Prepared to be home at about 9ish pm.

friday: working @ warwick, another 1,5 hrs driving back and forth, will go straight to ICYO nite at Attadale.

saturday: working till 5pm, straight to my friend's wedding meeting, straight to another ICYO retreat meeting.

sunday: I have to go the earliest mass, I probably go to Cannington parish @ 8 am then straight to choir rehearsal for the 12pm performance. ICYOers are expected to attend Fr Ari's farewell in St. benedicts parish straight after the Murdoch performance. Farewell dinner for Fr Ari with ICYO committees at 7.30pm.

monday: have to go to Corica by 8am, straight to work until 5.30 pm. Another packing session then straight to airport.


Selamat hari merdeka, INDONESIA !!

and it reminds me how bad i miss my motherland while I'll be working for the whole day tomorrow. I regret that I didn't take the day off tomorrow as ICYO choir will be singing on the ceremony in the Indonesian consulate.

aku kangen Indonesia dan segala hingar bingar pada hari kemerdekaan.


Ok, here's the story

Khan emang udah lama banget pengen Iphone tuh, tapi nunggu plan yang ini abis. Disaat udah bisa upgrade ke iphone 3gs nih (kira2 bulan Mei akhir), di hari dimana aku mo ke toko 3 buat upgrade eh paginya ada news bahwa bakal ada Iphone 4 release bulan Juli di US dan akhir Juli buat Australia. Ya udahlah aku di suggest kiri kanan buat nunggu yang baru. Di tahan2in tuh pake hape butut kacrut itu. Lah skrg dihari dimana Iphone 4 kluar di Australi ini, aku kerja dan 3 dealer stores engga dapet stock sama sekali yang dapet cuman 3 stores di city n carousel dan selebihnya di apple store. Ya udah, nunggu aja siapa tau ntar yg second batch stock kita pada dapet. Eh ternyata baru bakal dapet kira2 4-6 weeks from this week (!)

Ya udah ditahan2in lagi pake hp kacrut itu, sampe minggu lalu ke apple store (mampir doank 5 menit) eh kok rasanya lebih cepet kalo beli outright aja (unlocked Iphone) walopun rada mencret bayarnya tapi ini butuh hape. Minggu ini dibelain2 ke apple store ujan badai di lewatin eh stocknya habis. sebel banget dah. mana orang2 bilangnya niat banget sih bli iphone, kenapa ga upgrade hape yang laen aja, kenapa ga bb aja. KENAPA SIH ??? emang aku butuh iphone, karna udah pengen itu dari taun lalu dan skrg hape LG ini udah mati beneran, ini aja pake hape pinjeman temen. Duit juga duit sendiri, yang kerja keras juga bukan elo gitu. Intinya pengen nangis nih kalo iphone minggu depan belon ada, ini udah ngidam Iphone setaun lebih !

ps: di aussie ini pake sistem plan hape, jadi kontrak sama providernya 2 tahun dan itu termasuk hapenya. Jadi gimana ya jelasinnya? kayak bayar $49/month itu dapet pulsa yang buanyak + hapenya juga. intinya bayar pulsa aja tiap bulan bonus hape hehehe. Tapi kalo mau bli hape sendiri juga gak papa sih tapi diitung2 lebih mahal, kalo ga mau kontrak sama provider tertentu mending bli hape sendiri trus pake prepaid connection.



capek buanget 2 hari ini. Kerja rodi bok, bener2 dah CEO bukan padahal tapi banyak buanget yg mesti dikerjain, kemaren sampe baru pulang kerja jam 6an hiks pdhl kmrn kerja yg di warwick yg 40 menit dari rumah. Capek ati sih kerjaannya dimarahin customer, pdhl udah 2 jam kiri kanan pegang telpon tapi engga dijawab sama sales support, telp other stores juga engga membantu. Sales juga kagak dapet itu 2 jam, pagi2nya juga udah banyak kerjaan, numpuk banget lah. Pulang2 maunya bersantai sama jon mo bli iphone 4 trus ngafe gitu, eh ternyata mesti meeting buat leadership camp mana ngomongin AD/ART pulak berat bok sampe jam 11 malem lebih. Tambah teparlah diriku.

Hari ini ga kurang juga dramanya, systemnya down ! buset i lost 3-4 customers! radak anjing sih itu bos2 udah tau system fallback, masi dimarain customer gara2 bisa bkin kontrak, sales support juga fallback ga bisa manual juga, si bos gede juga cuman bilang ya mintak aja lho kontaknya trus di telp kalo udah balik. yeee emang gampang ya begituan. Ini kontrak2 an sampe aku bawa plg ya, bleeeh sampe males liat tas isinya kontrak semua soalnya hahha.

Ini mata udah kayak panda, capek banget, exhausted tepatnya. jelek banget dah tampang saya, rambut udah kacak kadut, mata panda, kulit kering, bibir pecah2. haduh perlu perawatan muka ini.


beef rendang, cheese and wine

Hi all, I've been pretty busy with the choir practices and those sort of church events these couple of weeks, leaving me craved for homemade dinners and just sitting around my lazy chair in front of TV. Another thing that I've been craving this whole time other than an Iphone 4 is BEEF RENDANG, the one that one of the aunties at church once cooked for us. But then, too lazy to search around for the recipe and taadaaa my sister suddenly called me that she cooked rendang and yes at that time I promised my stomach to eat rendang ASAP. So, yeah I cooked it yesterday turned out to be really good and cook it again this afternoon and maybe tomorrow and the day after maybe ;p

Well oh well it also turned out that I put too much water on the pot so I made quite a lot of beef broth and I thought I had to make something out of it as well so I made the beef ball soup as well tonite :) While waiting for the soup to be cooked, I sat down and started munching the brie cheese and crackers and thinking of this could be better with the sparkling wine, so there I was having my favourite brie cheese and corn crackers with that superb sparking wine and I even had beef rendang for my dinner. It's a really nice chill out after not being able to relax at all after work for couple weeks.



ga punya waktu, mo masak lho ya kapan masak? tiap malem ada ajaaaa, yang choir yang meeting yang kerja yang misa pertama harus choir. Udah ga sekolah kok tambah sibuk ? jadi pusing sendiri ini. Mana kerjaku khan harinya RADAK awkward ya jadinya jarang pergi dan pacaran huhuhuhu. Gimana mau kurus dan irit ini? seminggu makan di rumah maksimal 4-5 kali tok. Kayaknya it's the time of the year again, when all the big events clash with my comfortable time *nyeeeh*

silly me

you know that i love you. it's just that my world has been filled with sarcasm these days and i know i should have left them at where they should be. no, not when we're together.

i'm sorry. btw I owe you KFC and MCD. This weekend babe?


we finally have a kid !

From the worldvision!

Remember this posting? Ternyata yah setelah dipikir2, ditimbang2, dilihat2 dan dirasakan, punya anak asuh di worldvision ga usah punya gaji yg nolnya 6 juga bisa kok, monthly feenya is cheaper than 2x meals in Sizzler !

We believe what goes around comes around.




Life is getting much better now, I just feel the burden is a little bit lighter these days. So, in short, I got my uni results last week and yeah, I passed all units which means I'm no longer a student ! wohoo and and and the great news is I got 7 for each band for my ielts test which also means I can apply for my permanent residency here !! double wohoooo. I personally thank everyone who prayed for my permanent residency, I thank God for not letting me down (because come on, common sense ->I work here as a SALES person who talks talks everyday with millions customers, I graduated from an -english speaking- university, then how come I can't pass my ielts test, I can prove myself I can do this ! ) --> nah I'm lying, the night before, I cried the whole nite listing down all my things on what needs to be shipped to Indonesia, what should I do my clothes and bags and shoes, should I donate them or should I send them to Indonesia, preparing myself to do a long distance relationship with Jon and those sort of stupid thoughts. So when I opened that ielts results folder, I jumped over joy and I had pork for my dinner (pork is my happy food btw). So yeah, Jon was also that happy.

Talking about my work, eerrr nothing special it's just a job. Found more and more stupid customers everyday, I mean, I'm a sales person not a technician but I got so many customers expecting us to fix their problems. or famous ones are "Oh, when is the Iphone 4G coming?", "Do you know what Iphone 4 plans are?" and "Huh, how come you don't know when Iphone 4 is coming? you're working here!" come on morons... first of all, I'm not working for Steve Jobs, secondly, If I knew it I won't be lying to you, thirdly, READ THE NEWS !!! then you will know when it would be coming to aussie, and lastly, I'm not the CEO of this company, I'm just the slave so I have no fuckin idea on iphone plans !
Oh and they're doing this stupid merger thingy with vodafone, so this week I'm working more than 40 hrs to set up the whole thing. Good money thou, but 6 days a week freaking yeah what a life.

Now I'm craving for .... a long holiday ! hiks hiks hiks and the Paul&Joe cosmetics, they are cute esp. the alice in wonderland products ooh where can I buy those lipsticks ?? I firstly found them in Diana-Ang's blog , then (as usual) searched them online but couldn't find any >.<


My papa

is the first man I love in my life and I always will.

He is not a rich dude, in fact he works really hard for us but we never suffer, not even once.
He is a good husband, taking care of mum that much. I mean like, calling her almost every hour, being the romantic guy on their anniversary, being supportive of everything we (me and my sister) are doing.
He is the "educative" daddy. Saving every pennies he had for our education, like sending us overseas, letting us chose whatever degree we liked and never mind paying for our private tutors.
He never whinged about spending too much for his kids, but he barely spent anything for himself.
He has never ever beaten me or my sister or my mum. Not even once. He is a true gentleman.
He is my true legend. He graduated with cumlaude or with distinction (if you're more familiar with this). He can speak 4 languages. In short, he has a really really good brain, it can literary absorb anything.
He likes traveling and even though we are not rich, we have the privilege to travel in almost every year.
He is afraid of God and he prays a lot. A faith that strengthens his love to us.
He is my man. I will get myself a husband like him.

My master degree is for you, papa. for everything you have done in my life.

It's official now :)

Miss W.S.L B.Comm, M.M.


menanti sabar waktu Tuhan

Di dalam hidup ini, semua ada waktunya.
Ada waktunya kita menabur,
ada juga waktu menuai.

Mungkin dalam hidupmu bagai datang menyerbu,
mungkin doamu bagai tak terjawab !
Namun yakinlah tetap.

Tuhan tak'kan terlambat
juga tak akan lebih cepat
Semuanya Dia jadikan indah tepat pada waktuNya.

Tuhan selalu dengar doamu.
Tuhan tak pernah tinggalkanmu.
PertolonganNya pasti kan tiba tepat pada waktuNya.

Bagaikan kuncup mawar pada waktunya mekar
Percayalah ...
Tuhan jadikan semua indah pada waktunya.

Hendaklah kita slalu hidup dalam firmanNya.
Percayalah kepada Tuhan!
Nantikan Dia bekerja pada waktuNya.

Tuhan takkan terlambat
Juga takkan lebih cepat
Ajarilah kami setia slalu menanti waktuMu Tuhan.

1 Korintus 10:13 & Pengkotbah 3:11a
(Taken from the daily prayer book)

Terima kasih Tuhan Yesus dan Bunda Maria atas terkabulnya permohonan dalam doa Novena Tiga Kali Salam Maria dan Rosario.


tukang bakso

Well, tiap inget cerita ini selalu ketawa guling2.

Jadi ceritanya aku bikin bakso kuah gitu pake isi ga jelas apa adanya di kulkas. Trus sebagai pacar yg baik ya, aku tanya Jon mau ga buat besok lunch dprd dia makan bakers delight tiap hari bisa kurus itu perutnya *hihihi*. Trus dia liat tuh di panci kayak apaan bentuknya itu sup bakso.

Jon: Wah hebat kamu bisa bikin bakso beginian - > muka polos banget sampe amazed liat bakso2 di panci.
Me: hah? ya gampanglah bikin ginian, pake aer aja sama royco jadi *tipe cewe yg bego masak*
Jon: lho seriusan? trus bikinnya gimana kok hebat banget kamu? jualan bakso aja kamu tiap ari
Me: *geer* lho kamu khan belon coba gimana tau rasanya ini bakso
Jon: hah ini baksonya gimana kamu bikinnya hebat banget kok kamu ga pernah bikin sebelumnya?
Me: *mulai curiga n ngerti maksud dia* ya elaaah maksud kamu bakso pentolnya itu bikinnya gimana?? hahuahauhauhahaha *ketawa ngejungkal* itu maaah ada teknologi yang namanya asian groceries trus dijual deh itu prepack jojooooon
Jon: hahahhahaha *ketawa berdua* pantesan kok hebat banget kamu bisa bikin begituan -> sialan

ya ampun nak nak kalo ke asian groceries belinya cemilan sama indomi doank sih kamuu


tet tot

Hape ini yang aku sayang, bener2 tet tot. Di charged overnight, pas dicabut buat matiin alarm batrenya udah tinggal separo. sekarang buka2 ebay cari anak asuh baru.


si butut

OK, jadi begini ceritanya. Ini hape LG udah dipake 2 taon lebih, udah jatuh puluhan kali sampe kameranya udah ga bisa dipake, memory card ga bisa ke read, 2x sms batre abes, telp sekali batre abis, udah ga karuan lah ini hape. sampe kata si bos, memalukan masak kerja di telco hapenya butut, liat donk semua disini pake iphone *sebagai bukti orang2 di telco harus canggih dan up to date* . yaah gimana donk mau upgrade iphone laah paginya iphone 4 keluar nunggu lah yaaa. skrg iphone 4 ditemuin banyak reception problem. piye ini piye bos?? aku mesti gimana?

iphone 3gs udah jarang ditemuin disini, customer sampe ngomel2 kok ga ada iphone toh *yeee emang kita bosnya iphone ya tau kapan iphone 4 nyampe, kenapa 3gs uda ga distock lagi* -->> curhat kerja

nokia mah jauh lbh bagus credibilitnya drpd LG, hape n70 yg udah lawas banget itu masih oks oks aja sampe skrg yaah tapi apa komen si bos ngeliat aku pake n70, bisa2 aku disuru upgrade hape apapun saat itu juga yg penting up to date. hihihi.

ah ya sudaah bagi yg kebanyakan duit trus bingung duitnya mo diapain, lebih baik nyumbang hape ke wendy. ya? HTC legend plis or iphone 3gs gak papa ntar bln dpn upgrade kok iphone 4


engga ngantuk.

Itu serem lho. bayangin donk udah jam stg 3 pagi, besok kerja >.< tapi jam segini masih melek kedip kedip sempurna! eng ing eng akhirnya nonton jepang vs denmark deh.

kalo ga bisa tidur kaya gini berbahaya ding, buka2 make up online trus jadinya kepengen bli !! oh no. Liat blush on tangan gatel pengen beli, pdhl blush on ada 2 dan ga ada tanda2 mo abis; ngeliat eye shadow udah punya seabrek2 segala warna n jarang di pake; liat lipstick juga punya banyak n ga dipake2; liat mascara pengen jugak pdhl udah ada banyak; paling ga tahan liat apa coba?? bedak n eyeliner !! oemji sih itu bedak ada 4 macem bok, loose powder, compact powder ada 2, mineral powder, liquid foundie, eyeliner jangan tanyak deh. Haiiissh lho kok tambah curhat make up yah? hihihihi abisan asik sih dunia make up walopun bisanya bli doank trus di timang2, masuk make up box trus udah hahaha.

ehmm, apa lagi ya? oh secara ya secara i'm working in telco industry kok semakin lama i'm less attracted to any phones except iphone 4 sih *oh baby i'm waiting for you to come asap*. Oh i know ! perth is freaking freezing everyday ! tomorrow will be 1 deg ! and last nite was about 4.5 deg at about 9 pm. nguuuikks and i was only wearing my usual work cardigan and scarf. nah, tomorrow i'll be cleverer than today hihihi, coats and boots will definitely my must wear outfits for the rest of the week.

oh tidur, i need you. please tidur sekarang ya brain *pok pok in otak biar tdr*


mending ..... daripada kerja

Dikala nganggur, kegiatan apa hayo yang paling
hihihihi jangan ketawa ya .... MEMASAK !
dulu paling anti disuruh masak skrg demen bangeet bahkan disaat harus bljr ielts *tapi bosen* akhirnya bikin oatmeal cookies deh.

Trus foto salad itu, pas lagi pantang daging kemaren paling demen bikin homemade salad begitu enak banget seger2, sehat lagi hihii.

Lah foto roti yg ada pisangnya itu, french toast pake honey and banana. Mantep dah soalnya di panfried pake adonan fresh cream n egg trus crunchy2 asin2 gurih tapi manis juga hihihihi.


Semua akan indah pada waktu-Nya

Later or sooner. He knows what is best for me. Faith is the word.


hidup warna warni

Hidup akhir2 ini penuh warna lho, ada senengnya tapi banyakan ngomel2nya hihihihi. ga pernah deh sewarna warni ini seumur2 yang rasanya pengen tenggelem aja di dalem tanah trus lari pindah benua laen. Rasanya kok ngenes liat kehidupan karir saya ini, tapi ditahan2in demi nambahnya nominal tabungan, rasanya kok ya kerjaan sama gaji ga sama toh, yang namanya bos2 gede itu enak bener suruh sana sini seenaknya ga pernah kerja in real working situation tapi gajinya gede bener. Lah kita2 yang "rebutan" sales aja masih disalah2in, gaji ga seberapa, kerja rodi, dimarain customer iya di marain manajer iya. haish. susah ya jadi rakyat jelata gini.

Soal permanent resident juga masik ribet. engga ngerti ya kenapa government aussie itu nerima asylum2 beribu2 gitu dengan enaknya, dikasih fasilitas mewah lagi. Lah kita yang overseas student mintak permanent resident aja susah setengah mati peraturan berubah terus, application fee nambah terus tiap tahun, nilai ielts ditambah terus tiap tahun. Pak menteri migration, liat donk kita bayar uang sekolah yang 5x lbh mahal drpd local students on time selalu lho, kita ga pernah lupa bayar tax2an itu, apalagi income tax yang 15% dr gaji kita yg kecil, kita ga pernah lho mintak2 uang ke centrelink lho kalo ga punya kerjaan, kita pake private insurance yang sebulan feenya mahal banget, kita ga minta free insurance ke medicare. Kita juga suka belanja2 disini walopun semuanya made in china dengan harga dollar aussie.
Kenapa to pak, kita kok dibikin susah minta residency disini? kenapa? kenapa? kenapa asylum seekers itu dengan gampangnya dimasukin kesini pdhl mereka ga ngasi benefit apapun ke negeri ini? dengerin donk suara2 kita ini. Kita benci banget lho sama government kalian itu, benciiii banget sampe udah point ga peduli lagi, disuruh pulang ya udah biar kita serahin aja ke Tuhan yang Mahatahu (sok jawaban artis)

Yang bikin seneng selama ini ya cuman temen2 di Perth dan Jon tentunya. Rasa2nya lagi mating season ya ini, banyak banget temen2 yg merit taun ini dan dilamar taun ini, buanyaaak banged sampe kebal kalo ada berita2 gitu. Hihihih si Jon katanya sampe bingung cara2 ngelamar udah dipake semua hahhaha dari naek gondola by the swan udah, naek hot air balloon udah, surprised brekkie with the ring udah, proposing on the highest building in CBD juga udah, di pante ah movie banget. Ah aku sih gampang jon, ga usah dilamar gpp, dibliin rumah aja hihihi. *halah kayak udah punya duit aja mo kawin*

Ya didoaken saja ya semoga semua yang di komplen diatas dapat berjalan dengan lancar selancar2nya terlebih2 bagian apply PR dan dapet kerjaan yang lbh manusiawi. Amin.


kisah sedih di hari minggu

adalah ketika ngeliat detik2 terakhir minggu menjelang senen. seperti sekarang ini, ugh i hate monday dikarenakan besok udah kerja lagi ! ya apalagi nasib kerja di retail yg sabtu juga kerja jadi weekend terpaksa cuman minggu tok.

Hari minggu selalu kerasa sangat sangat sangat cepet, waktu udah kejar2an sama kitanya. Ke gereja misa Indo jam 11.30 *itu udah siang banget yak*, kelar misa plus blah blahnya jam 1an, cari lunch dan argumen mo makan dimana 1.15, selesai makan siang jam 2.30 biasanya. Ya udah intinya udah abis waktunya belon lagi kalo minggu wajib tidur siang ! bangun tidur udah jam 6an, masak dinner blah blah blah eh udah jam 8an. Maen internet bentar eh udah mo jam 12. apa2an ini.

Ya udah sekarang off to bed, doaken besok mencapai target demi mengumpulkan pundi2 bonus yg menjadi pundi2 uang di bank untuk mencapai masa depan cerah beli rumah.


Life is a full of shit


oh well most of times.


His cute notes.

So this is his notes, reminding me what to bring on my first business trip ever. He's too cute to even mention eyeliner and make-up remover, and insisting me to bring my make up remover pads as well.


for this moment, i just don't see my social life is that important.

It's kinda an irony to me, I hate writing so much rite now. I just have too many reports and assignments to do that required me to write at least 1500 words for every single assessment. But i have so many things in my mind that is needed to be written ASAP otherwise my brain wouldn't have the capability to hold them anymore. I need a brain upgrade. Ok, now let's see I start writing non-sense, unstructured words. Blame assessments.

In like 2 weeks, I'll be smelling my freedom and you will see this blog be full of posts.
For now, let me live in my academic journals world. ciao.


take it for granted

Setelah dipikir2 yah there are so many things that I have taken them for granted, misalnya pas dulu masih di Surabaya, selalu ada makanan udah siap di meja makan dan took it for granted, sekarang baru kerasa pas masak sendiri, dan begitu pula hal2 kecil yang laen. Yang baru2 kerasa ini, minum kopi. Hal kecil seumprit yang ga penting tapi has a big impact on my personal life (ciyeeeeh). Pas dulu kerja jadi barista, enak banget mau minum 10000ml coffee shot sehari juga gak papa, bikin kopi campur sana sini seenaknya sendiri, disuruh ngafe ogah bener orang bisa minum gratisan gitu. Skrg kerasa banget yang dulunya minum kopi every single day bisa 4 cups, sekarang seminggu aja belom tentu minum kopi abisan sayang bener $4 buat kopi.

Trus another thing is ngafe-ing, ini tipikal banget yang duduk, sante2, ngobrol2 lama banget dan itu sangat enjoyable banget. Dari yang bad mood bisa lho jadi happy gara2 ngafe hehehehe, bener2 boost up my mood kalo ngafe tapi sekarang sibuk banget, pulang kerja ya choir, ya bikin assignment, kalo day off ya bikin assignment, sibuk urusan ICYO lah, ini lah itulah jarang banget ngafe dan minum kopi ENAK !
Dulu sih asik bener, kalo lagi bete ke South Perth aja beli kopi dimana gitu trus duduk2 di jettynya ngadep city parah enaknya. Sekarang yaah nyampe rumah rata2 udah diatas jam 9 malem, mandi, buka2 imel, nyiapin bekel besok, tidur, pagi kerja lagi gitu aja terus. Pengen banget tiba2 ke Leederville buat ngafe sejam aja tapi yang santai abis dan udah dandan centil2an gitu heheheh abisan seringnya kalo keluar masih pake baju kerja, udah kucel gitu blm mandi sih.


3 conversation lines that made my day

Workmate: " wendy, you're in number 1 !!! "
Me: hah? what what ?
Workmate: Ur KPI is no 1 on the score card for the whole Aussie!!!!
Me: yeah i did 6 connections last monday teehee
workmate: careful guys, Wendy is on fireeeeeeeeeeee

-mau nangis rasanya-


Three names I go by :
1. Wendy
2. Wendoy - rach and rick always call me wendoy since i dont know when. they're the only 2 persons that call me that. funny enough.
3. Wenwen - hahah i made this one up

Three jobs I have had:
1. Barista
2. Cashier
3. PR/marketing

Three places I have lived:
1. Surabaya
2. Queens Park
3. Burswood

Three favorite drinks:
1. Mango green milk tea - utopia
2. Soy mocca
3. aer

Three places I would like to visit:
1. Japan !!! will definitely go there for honeymoon !!
2. UK and this one is confirmed as the honeymoon destination as well *wink
3. Surabaya - why oh why police clearance indo only valid for 6 months ?????

Three people who text me regularly:
1. uhm Jon? not really
2. Dad?
3. Alex? this one is random - Wen, microwavenya udah bener, wen rumah gak apa2 khan kena hail, wen uang rumah udah dapet kok.

Three favorite dishes:
1. Spageti mama.
2. Bu kris
3. Singaporean style rice noodle.

- right i feel like going to Spencer village NOW-

Three makeup or beauty products I cannot live without:
1. Eyeliner
2. Mascara
3. Blush on

Three things I'm looking forward to:
1. Hitting at least 150% sales !!! every single month, i could be the next millionaire. nah just kidding.
2. Get that event officer job. finger crossed.
3. meeting my sister in like August?

Three TV shows I watch:
1. Lipstick Jungle
2. Gossip Girl
3. Grey's anatomy

Three people I tag:

Anyone can do this. seriously

winter is officially here.

And Wendy is so happy. WeeHee ! the smell of cold air in the morning is sooo incredible hahahaha


Happiness is (extended version ;p)

Having a hot chocolate in a winter.

Sleeping for 12 hours without any distractions.

Going to the Church every single week together with him.

Drinking Utopia's green mango milk tea with sago every weekend.

Having a long warm bath after working.

Choosing nail colours for the weekend.

The smell of the new bed sheet and quilt cover.

Listening to ipod while laying down on the grass in Kings Park.

Sipping a cup coffee in Mill Point.

Eating baked banana cheesecake together with him.


Having a room that fulls of blue-y things.

Playing tennis.

Praying Rosary together.

Eating dim sum after playing tennis.

Gossiping with mom.

Donating some money to the needy ones.

Celebrating someone's birthday.

Absolutely my own birthday.

So, what's ur happiness??


30 menit lagi

saya harus antre tes speaking ielts. yang tadi2 writing, listening, reading yaa susah juga engga, gampang relatif tapi ga tau nilainya berapa. didoaken saja. heheheh. nganggur niih ngapaen coba stg jam clingak clinguk, untung di uni sendiri masi bisa maen inet'an.


Perth Hail Storm

There is only one word: SCARY.

Hail stormnya cuman less than one hour, damage cost more than A$100,000. Untung waktu itu aku lagi kerja sampe jam stg 6 mlm, jam 4an gitu lampu shopping centre sempet mati trus nyala langsung abis itu orang2 yang masuk pada basah kuyup trus semua bilang diluar ada storm. Abis itu mulai kedengeran lightenings, thunders, hujan deres banget, trus bunyi krotok krotok di atep ternyata itu hailnya serem abis segede2 bola golf gitu. Jam stg 6 pas keluar, banjir aja lho parkiran park centre, banjir sepintu mobil, mau keluar ke albany hwy banyak mobil kelelep dan mogok. JRENG JRENG JRENG. mobilku khan kecil lemah manual tak berdaya gitu udah serem aja kalo mogok gimana mana jaringan telpon juga kaco putus2 gitu n ga nyambung gitu. serem banget dah. Sepanjang jalan traffic light mati semua, banjir2, macet total sampe yg biasanya less than 10 mins udah sampe rumah ini stg jam lebih. dan dan dan lampu mati sepanjang jalan, shopping centre juga mati, mcd juga mati, semua deh.

Sampe dirumah langsung lemes lho, udah basah kuyup gitu pengen mandi aer anget khan. LAMPU MATI AJAAAA di dalem rumah gelap abis gitu sampe akhirnya jongkok di dpn rumah sambil telp jon nyuru dia nemenin hehehehe loser abis. ternyata oh ternyata dimana2 jalanan macet total ga gerak jadinya ya udah ga jadi kesini deh jon. Di rumah pun mandi gelap2, makan gelap untung beli makanan tadi siangnya cuman ya itu manasinnya manual pake kompor hehehe. Jam 8 malem udah manis ditmpt tidur, kedip2 doank mau belajar ga bisa, bikin assignment ga bisa pdhl ada yg due besoknya, nyalain laptop cuman tahan bentar, batre ipod abis. Khan ga pernah ya lampu mati jadinya kita ga siap apa2 donk mana lilin cuman ada 3 itu aja bekas retret hehehhe. Ya bengong2 aja dalam kegelapan sambil sesengukan di bawah selimut. Papa mama pasti tau lah kalo anaknya yg satu ini benci banget sama lampu mati, kalo di indo aja lampu mati pasti tangan udah nyamber telp, telpon ke pln tiap 5 mnt. Disini? yah udah dibilangin se Perth pada mati semua mo gimana coba.

Besok paginya masih tetep mati lampu lho, ternyata parah banget bangetan itu storm. Kings park sampe mudslide, apartemen2 mountsbay yg bagus2 itu kena lumpur aja lho hehehe. Mobil2 pada bolong2 ancur2 kena hails, Curtin uni sampe mulangin student2nya lho gara2 fire alarm nyala, pintu2 automatic ga bisa kebuka, atap library roboh, banjir dimana2. Yah yah yah sampe detik ini masih ada 16rb rumah di perth yg blm dapet power back.

mau liat foto2 bekas hail storm di perth. klik disini.


Since this is Lent season and me, as a Catholic, have to give up something that I like. So, I decided to give up meat for this year, it's just something that I haven't done before, being a vegetarian for 45 days. You must know that eating vegetarian menu or cooking different vegetarian menus is absolutely killing my -already dying- cooking brain. I only know couple menus to cook that always contains tofu and tofu and mushroom and if someone opens my stomach it will be just tofus and some chinese vegies. I finished class at 8pm, got home STARVING like havent eaten for 2 days, looking at my frigde and AH HA i found fresh spinach and ricotta pasta and that's when brain suddenly awakes from the dead. I made this fresh homemade yummy pasta. I think this is my second best vegetarian food after agedashi tofu.

disclaimer: this photo doesn't look appealing but the TASTE is HEAVEN.


Spinach & Ricotta agnolotti (dumplings) - mine was Remo pasta
Tomato paste - mine was Remo Tomato pasta and red wine
Oregano - cant live without it or Basil leaves
Fresh mushroom, cut into smaller pieces - I was using fresh white mushroom
A bit of feta cheese, crumbled

A bit of black pepper
A bit of sugar

How to cook:

1. Boil pasta until cooked and drain.

2. Use a saucepan, put the tomato paste first, sprinkle with oregano or basil leaves and black pepper and sugar. Wait until hot, put a little bit of water to difuse the paste and then the pasta, stir it well.

3. Put in the mushroom and feta cheese together, stir it well until cooked.

4. Then, ready to serve.


Sprinkle with oregano, parmesan cheese and in my case, the sweet chilly cream cheese. Teehee I'm a cheese person.

Trust me, I couldn't make pasta before, they always tasted so bad that I gave up cooking them. But this time, it is realllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyy gooooooooood like the one you have in an Italian restaurant. Next time you make pasta, use tomato sauce and herbs.

My agedashi tofu and agedashi mushroom isn't that bad as well. trust me, I'm getting better. Ask Jon. teeheee


ciri2 menua

Akhir2 ini jam 12 ato 1 pagi udah tepar par par ngantuk ga tahan. Apakah ini tanda2 penuaan dini ? pdhl biasanya tidur jam 2 pagi itu biasa banget, paginya bangun jam 7 ayuk gak papa. Sekarang disuruh tidur jam 10 malem bisa banget, gawat darurat ini mau ngapa2en jadi males ngantuk terus hahaha. Tidur siang juga masik jalan kalo siang free hehehehehe dan malemnya tidur biasa banget pdhl dulu kalo tidur siang pasti malemnya melekan sampe pagi deh hahaha.


Groooook .......

Everyday conversations with customers.

(s) staff
(sc) stupid customer

scenario 1
sc: can i have that SAUSAGE SPINACH ROLL ?
s: ok, so 1 sausage and 1 spinach?
sc: *angry* nah, just 1 SAUSAGE SPINACH ROLL !
lesson 1:
- SAUSAGE somehow contains meat and SPINACH only contains spinach !!!
- learn how to read that food tag ! sausage wouldnt mix with spinach

scenario 2
sc: can i have that SAUSAGE ROLL
s: *grabbing the large sausage roll*
s: asdjasdksajkasjdksajdakjf

lesson 2:
- learn how to differentiate LARGE and SMALL items before asking for them

scenario 3
sc: can i have coffee pls
s: what coffee would u like ?
s: *angry* yeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah cappucino, fw, latte, long black, mocca, long mac or short black YOU STUPID MORON !!!!

lesson 3:
- READ the MENU before you order something

scenario 4
sc: can i have cappucino but without the froth
s : ok, but that's called flat white so next time u order it just say flat white
sc: no, it's cappucino but no froth

lesson 4:
- don't try to be a coffee genius over a trained barista !

scenario 5
sc: can i get a large strong cappucino
s: so do u want an extra shot with that? cos we already put 60ml of shot in a large cup
sc: ehmm i just want it to be strong
s: yeah i know but do u want an extra shot or what ?
sc: just make it strong
s: *starts screaming*

lesson 5:
- don't say anything unless you know exactly how to explain it


Staff are not your psychics. We can't read your mind.


is moving out.

Maap blog agak terlantar. secara kamar baru aja juga terlantar hehehe. I will be moving to a new house with all my housemates on Saturday. so yeah, life has been all about packing, moving, and unpacking.



I know it's a bit too late but I still like to list things that I've done in 2009.

1. I am back to uni, as a postgraduate student majoring in Marketing and it's actually fun. I prefer my postgrad experience than my undergrads.

2. I live financially by my own and it's something that I'm proud of, thou I don't earn that much. It's another milestone for me to respect money and do more shopping. hehe.

3. I cooked. and it's (quite) delicious. Starting from that point, I assured myself that being a housewife isn't that hard.

4. I went to Singapore twice, to Kuala Lumpur ( I don't like it ), to Bali twice, to Jogjakarta, to Solo, to Jakarta twice, and of course to Surabaya. All with one reason, WEDDINGS. I witnessed too many weddings in 2009. and coming more in 2010. gosh.

5. Met my all complete cousins after 10 years. It's amazing we are like grown ups now and our conversations are getting more complicated now compared to 10 years ago. time flies people, enjoy it while u can.

6. More addicted to internet than before and nothing can stop me ;p

7. Witnessing God's miracles. God is always holding your hands.

8. Had the most intensed months in my life. August - October. 3 big ICYO events and 20 plus assignments, countless group meetings and ICYO meetings. I don't know how I survived, passed all the units, and 3 successful events.