
sumpah serapah.


Banyak banget kata2 kotor di posting ini. JANGAN DIBACA KALO GA SUKA DAN JANGAN KOMEN2 KALO GA SUKA.

Terima kasih.


Wendy apa kabar?

Baik baik aja kok.

BOONG abis !

kabar saya? sumpek, butek, abu-abu, banyak pikiran.

Kalo ada yang nyenggol saya di shopping mall nih, bisa langsung disemprot pake marah.

Inget khan sama kerjaan saya yang kaya sampahnya India, lah bayangin sekarang itu sampah dicampur tai sama muntahan dari semua negara slums. Yaak begitu, ancur khan ? pengen muntah ga sekarang? ya begitu saya kalo mau kerja tiap hari, pengen muntah darah.

Intinya nih, sekarang kerja cuman gara2 teamnya asik. udah.

Pertama, itu management gonta ganti terus. dan yang terakhir ini, masak mereka mau bikin new agreement yang dimana setiap hari kamis kita harus kerja 12 jam dan setiap hari sabtu. Liburnya hari senin dan selasa tapi kerja dari rabu - sabtu. NON NEGOTIABLE. TAIK khan? dengan iming2 gaji naek, yang notabene nya boong abis secara kalo diatas jam 6 dan weekend loading itu emang ada penalty ratenya yang bikin kita digaji lebih tinggi. GOBLOK ABIS KHAN YANG PERCAYA GITU ?? Dia pikir kita kagak punya social life ya? kagak punya temen? kagak punya kepentingan laen selaen kerja?

Terus lagi, ini state ngasih base rate nya yang paling rendah di seluruh australi. DOBEL SIAL. kenapa sik kenapa pake di beda2in?? curang abis kalo kerja di eastern state secara otomatis langsung tinggi itu rate. NAJIS. DOBEL NAJIS. Pengen tabok2 itu state government.

Eits masik ada lagi, itu target dinaekin jadi 20 connections per staff tiap minggu. TAIK nenek moyang lu ya? kali'in aja tuh team kita ada 3 nih, jadi mesti bikin 60 connex tiap minggu? bisa bikin 20 connex per minggu aja sembah sujud syukur ama Tuhan tauk lah ini bikin 60 connex? MAKAN AJA TUH TAIK.

Trus kita satu state marah dong, enak aje lu pikir kita buruh apa. Sampe telpon ombudsman segala, buka2 fair work australia dll lah. Lah itu bosnya kagak suka, gara2 reaksi kita ga seperti yang dia mau, aneh khan ya? Trus mulai lah dia cari2 alesan aneh buat kita tanda tangan itu new agreement, hasilnya 2 orang udah dipecat aja loh dengan alesan mereka ga sesuai standart kerja perusahaan ini. Dan 2 orang ini yang telpon ombudsman dll.

Saya sih? engga takut, kerjaan baru? udah dapet kok, udah tanda tangan kontrak. Pokoknya nanti hari terakhir saya disini, semua password bakal saya bawa hapus, semua prosedur bakal saya bakal pulang, semua form saya sobek2 trus buang di tong sampah yang jauh. Secara yang tau semua prosedur n password adalah saya. Stock bakal saya pindah pindah, semua folder bakal saya pindah pindah tempatnya. Dan yang paling penting, itu folder password dan semua bookmark sistem di komputer akan hilang as I leave. Sweet revenge.

Tapi kenapa masi sebel?

Masalah klasik, no appreciation at all dan rasisnya bukan maen. Saya benci banget sama itu area manager semoga dipecat aja. Kerja disitu makan ati dari semua faktor, management nya dan customernya. Yang bikin bertahan cuman teamnya yang asik. Udah. sisanya TAIK semua.

Jadi mikir ga sih, fair work situation itu kayak apaan sih?




Can't wait to uyeluyel you when you are here.


For the joy of electric blanket and hot water.

Let us take a silent moment for whoever invented those 2 most important things in winter.



And it ends with.

It all started with me being upset with the service of a bank in a shopping centre, then I got thirsty and decided to get bubble tea in the other wing of that shopping centre.

Which was a bad decision, because *drumrolls*

SALE are everywhere, End of Financial Year Sale, End of Season sale, Winter sale, ARGHK !

My brain cells seemed like popping out from my head screaming it's 50% off GO THERE!, No, go to Myer, 70% off and kept going on like that. As you all know, brain is the part of human body that controls every single thing. So, there I was, checking every store that I passed by.

Who can resist this cutie pie flat for only $10 ? and the pyjamas short for $5? and the list goes on and on.

but at the end, I'm a happy girl again, $65 for 5 items, so proud of myself that I wasn't going nuts for more shopping.

Not yet

It's a big relief knowing that your most expensive shoes ever is still hanging on the non sale items at that shoe store. I know for sure that I will be heart broken once they put up the sale sign, it will obviously blow my mind.

ps: no, it's not a pair of louboutin or manolo's or any branded shoes. My shoes are not even half the price of those branded shoes.

I'm not that rich. yet.


Note to self.

Pre-approval home loan.
Rubber car mats.
Getting thai massage.
New jeans.
Home open.
A dress.
and the matching shoes.
and the matching clutch.
Pre-approval home loan.
Home open.
Ikea magazine.
Getting mature.

And suddenly all my top priorities are totally changed, then note to self that it is time for the next step of life.



The notion of my world

Depends on my coffee that week.

I *just* realised that I have been a very bad tempered this couple weeks, with no valid reasons. My workmates all said they've never seen me this mad, I yelled back at customers if they yelled at me, I told customers off if they were rude, I sent a complaint letter to my car dealer, I called up automotive ombudsman, I just was UPSET about something.

I was like, wow, something's really eating my soul.

Then, I realised something,I have been drinking instant coffee in the morning, in a stereofoam cup.

The reasons behind that, my good barista had left a nearby cafe where I work and the new barista just messed up my usual coffee and it's always been raining last couple weeks so I couldn't walk to the coffee strip where I can get my other good coffee.

Yes, you can imagine the mighty power of coffee.


dear motherfucker,

mind your own shit.

Thank you.




becoming me.

So, tomorrow is the day. No, nope, not that day, yet.

It's the day to trade my old car with a new one.

Getzy is my first "own" car, dad bought her second hand 3,5 years ago just right before I graduated from my uni and I'm totally getting sentimental over letting her go tomorrow. I grew up on her, learned how to park with her, got my Australian license with her, proudly took most of friends around with her, and the list keeps going on and on.

Then I sat back and had a really deep thought how 3,5 years just gone that fast.

I am now pondering on where my life is going. I've arrived in an empty road in my life where I have to realise that I haven't really accomplished most what I once set out to do. I will officially be in the mid twenties club next year and just to tell you the truth I am not making six figures in my current job and I am not working in a big multinational corporation. I must be mindful how I spend my money and figure out how to survive if I actually take home loan one day. I often ask myself when will my dream come true. Sometimes I get a little depressed then a little wave of sadness washes over me, I mean, I'm not completed soaked over but also not letting me fully dry out. Sometimes I feel like I have failed while fighting back the tears because I am afraid that my train had left a long time ago and won't be coming back for me.

But, I refuse to feel sorry for myself. I refuse to live in regret because even though I feel like having to take a detour in my life, I have met so many amazing people in my life who taught me so much and those memories will never disappear. I know I feel a little bit sad now but I am hoping so much that the best is yet to come in my life.

For now, I am still working on becoming who I am.




Remember this post?

Was posted by a 21 old me. Waktu masik ababil. dunia masih terang, semua masih indah, hidup masi dibawah ketek bokap.

Gara2 terlalu banyak ngurusin wedding, sekarang jadi tau semua tetek bengek ngurusin wedding, yang sumpah, duit udah kaya aer keran bocor.

Daaan, saya merasa list yang udah saya tulis itu terlalu princess. Berasa royal wedding aja, sok banyak duit.

Sekarang? Maunya sih kalo married nanti, masih nanti kok, masih di angan angan awan sono,
yang simple aja, ga pake ribet, kasian EO nya nanti.

Yang kata si abang, kalo Mcd ada wedding package, merit disitu aja (yang untung buanget mereka ga punya). haha.

Becanda kok (sebelum di timpuk mami)

Yang di undang udahlah max 100 orang aja, ga pake tante-tante om-om, temen2 aja yang sering ngobrol dan kenal. maap yak tapinya mereka tiap kali ada di kawinan temen2 saya, annoying buanget, yang satu lagi speech yang mereka ngobrol cekikikan, yang makanan keluar lama ngomel aja dibuat gosip. duh.

Terus saya mau pas di gereja harus sakral, itu yang paling penting, pesta mah cuman 5 jam abis itu selesai, lah nikah khan seumur hidup, jadi pas janji di depan Tuhan harus sakral dong dan doa dari yang dateng itu yang paling menyuport pernikahan.

Plus, saya ga percaya harus cari tanggal baik jam baik. Semua hari dan jam diciptakan untuk jadi yang terbaik oleh Tuhan, ga usah repot2 cari jam sama hari. Ada salah satu temen yang ribetnya bukan maen terikat sama jam. Ga boleh ketemu sebelum jam segini, misa harus mulai jam segini, merit harus tanggal segini. Ribet beribet ampun deh.

Gampang dan simple khan. hehehe. Mending duitnya di buat jalanjalan soalnya saya mo honeymoon 3x. hahaha. Ke jepang 2 minggu, ke eropa 4 minggu dan ke USA 2 minggu. hahahahahahaha.

ps: si kecil tetep harus main dan wedding saya boleh simple tapi harus unik dan berbau biru.



vHi. Ehm. Hi.

It is long weekend here again, the last one until October 2011 *nyeeeeh*

Kehidupan saya masih sekitar kerja, latian choir, meeting wedding temen, latian choir wedding, masak buat bekel besok. Udah, mentok sampe situ.

Bulan May, June, July, Agustus ini ada 6 wedding temen saya.


5 di Perth dan 1 di Bali.
5 bekas anak ICYO.
3 dapet partner anak ICYO juga.
3 jadi Wedding organisernya.
3 jadi choirnya.
1 jadi bridesmaidnya.


Eh, apa lagi yak?

Aku bisa bikin bakso/bakwan goreng loooh ihiiiy, pake resep campur aduk dari abang google. Tapi jadinya walaupun engga sebulet yang di jual, at least rasanya hampir mirip sih hihihi lebih sehat lagi soalnya gorengnya pake olive oil *haha sok sehat*

Trus trus kmrn coba bikin kue berry ricotta cake, jadi itu sponge cake tapi tengah2nya ada berry ricotta nya, wuih enak loh ternyata hihihi. Udah bikin 2 kali tapi belom bosen, besok besok mo bikin carrot cake nih. Doakan saya yah !

Trakir, selamat menikmati foto manis saya sendiri yak hahaha. Biar terobati kalo ada yang kangen. (silahkan muntah silahkan)

Lihat rambutku yang mulai panjang !