
friends: quantity or quality ?

How do we really measure our friendships ? that's really hard rite? many of us prefer having so many friends as possible but just ignoring the quality part. Me ? I prefer the quality one, I always stick to my -less than 10 - close friends instead of having hundreds of people who recognise my face but not knowing me by heart. We always try to make many many friends but actually, we just want to add numbers for the people i know list.

I have a SUBJECTIVE theory about friendship here.

People tend to make friends with the ones having similar thoughts, characteristics or whatever that connects them together. It's not easy (for me at least) to find them in a very short time because for being my friends, they have to pass certain boundaries first. We, whether we realise it or not, will always have these boundaries in our life.

First boundary will be the way we introduce to each other. Our brain will likely reject them or accept them based on the first impression, from this first impression we always try make a simple judgement about that person. Believe it or not, we always do that and we always try to be nice for the first impression because we all know that people will remember us by this impression. I can't qualify this situation as friendship.

Secondly, after we or me accept that first impression and my brain says this person is alright, we start chatting. This is the step where we or me try to find the similarities we have. If we have some, I''ll continue this journey and If I don't find anything interesting about this person or no similarities found, then I'll just make this person as the person I know.

If we continue this journey, we start going out together or having deeper conversations together. This is the starting point of a friendship. This is the moment when I call " MAKING FRIENDSHIP". Unfortunately, not all of us will always that moment for all the people we know.

In conclusion, this is a SUBJECTIVE writing, you may or may not agree with what I wrote here. Ehm, so ya, I want to know more people doesn't equal to I want more friends. Friends are the people we always comfort with.


Selfish Jean said...

How about befriending with as many people as you can, and filtering the best ones?

Gue punya banyak temen, tapi yang jadi sahabat, cuma beberapa. Pada dasarnya gue introvert, tapi kalo kenalan sama orang, gue akan berusaha jadi oarng extrovert (sampai limit tertentu).

Intinya kalo bertemen sama orang, gue akan berusaha sebaik mungkin yang gue bisa. Kalo respon dia baik, mungkin bisa dijadikan sahabat. Tapi kalo nggak, ya mungkin gue akan anggap dia sebagai teman biasa (walaupun mungkin dia bakalan mikir kita ini sahabatnya).

Anyway, maap yah komennya panjang. Emang bawel nih gue...

Salam kenal ya Wen :)

blue pankponk said...

salam kenal juga :)