Setelah dipikir2 yah there are so many things that I have taken them for granted, misalnya pas dulu masih di Surabaya, selalu ada makanan udah siap di meja makan dan took it for granted, sekarang baru kerasa pas masak sendiri, dan begitu pula hal2 kecil yang laen. Yang baru2 kerasa ini, minum kopi. Hal kecil seumprit yang ga penting tapi has a big impact on my personal life (ciyeeeeh). Pas dulu kerja jadi barista, enak banget mau minum 10000ml coffee shot sehari juga gak papa, bikin kopi campur sana sini seenaknya sendiri, disuruh ngafe ogah bener orang bisa minum gratisan gitu. Skrg kerasa banget yang dulunya minum kopi every single day bisa 4 cups, sekarang seminggu aja belom tentu minum kopi abisan sayang bener $4 buat kopi.
Trus another thing is ngafe-ing, ini tipikal banget yang duduk, sante2, ngobrol2 lama banget dan itu sangat enjoyable banget. Dari yang bad mood bisa lho jadi happy gara2 ngafe hehehehe, bener2 boost up my mood kalo ngafe tapi sekarang sibuk banget, pulang kerja ya choir, ya bikin assignment, kalo day off ya bikin assignment, sibuk urusan ICYO lah, ini lah itulah jarang banget ngafe dan minum kopi ENAK !
Dulu sih asik bener, kalo lagi bete ke South Perth aja beli kopi dimana gitu trus duduk2 di jettynya ngadep city parah enaknya. Sekarang yaah nyampe rumah rata2 udah diatas jam 9 malem, mandi, buka2 imel, nyiapin bekel besok, tidur, pagi kerja lagi gitu aja terus. Pengen banget tiba2 ke Leederville buat ngafe sejam aja tapi yang santai abis dan udah dandan centil2an gitu heheheh abisan seringnya kalo keluar masih pake baju kerja, udah kucel gitu blm mandi sih.
3 conversation lines that made my day
Workmate: " wendy, you're in number 1 !!! "
Me: hah? what what ?
Workmate: Ur KPI is no 1 on the score card for the whole Aussie!!!!
Me: yeah i did 6 connections last monday teehee
workmate: careful guys, Wendy is on fireeeeeeeeeeee
-mau nangis rasanya-
Me: hah? what what ?
Workmate: Ur KPI is no 1 on the score card for the whole Aussie!!!!
Me: yeah i did 6 connections last monday teehee
workmate: careful guys, Wendy is on fireeeeeeeeeeee
-mau nangis rasanya-
Three names I go by :
1. Wendy
2. Wendoy - rach and rick always call me wendoy since i dont know when. they're the only 2 persons that call me that. funny enough.
3. Wenwen - hahah i made this one up
Three jobs I have had:
1. Barista
2. Cashier
3. PR/marketing
Three places I have lived:
1. Surabaya
2. Queens Park
3. Burswood
Three favorite drinks:
1. Mango green milk tea - utopia
2. Soy mocca
3. aer
Three places I would like to visit:
1. Japan !!! will definitely go there for honeymoon !!
2. UK and this one is confirmed as the honeymoon destination as well *wink
3. Surabaya - why oh why police clearance indo only valid for 6 months ?????
Three people who text me regularly:
1. uhm Jon? not really
2. Dad?
3. Alex? this one is random - Wen, microwavenya udah bener, wen rumah gak apa2 khan kena hail, wen uang rumah udah dapet kok.
Three favorite dishes:
1. Spageti mama.
2. Bu kris
3. Singaporean style rice noodle.
- right i feel like going to Spencer village NOW-
Three makeup or beauty products I cannot live without:
1. Eyeliner
2. Mascara
3. Blush on
Three things I'm looking forward to:
1. Hitting at least 150% sales !!! every single month, i could be the next millionaire. nah just kidding.
2. Get that event officer job. finger crossed.
3. meeting my sister in like August?
Three TV shows I watch:
1. Lipstick Jungle
2. Gossip Girl
3. Grey's anatomy
Three people I tag:
Anyone can do this. seriously
1. Wendy
2. Wendoy - rach and rick always call me wendoy since i dont know when. they're the only 2 persons that call me that. funny enough.
3. Wenwen - hahah i made this one up
Three jobs I have had:
1. Barista
2. Cashier
3. PR/marketing
Three places I have lived:
1. Surabaya
2. Queens Park
3. Burswood
Three favorite drinks:
1. Mango green milk tea - utopia
2. Soy mocca
3. aer
Three places I would like to visit:
1. Japan !!! will definitely go there for honeymoon !!
2. UK and this one is confirmed as the honeymoon destination as well *wink
3. Surabaya - why oh why police clearance indo only valid for 6 months ?????
Three people who text me regularly:
1. uhm Jon? not really
2. Dad?
3. Alex? this one is random - Wen, microwavenya udah bener, wen rumah gak apa2 khan kena hail, wen uang rumah udah dapet kok.
Three favorite dishes:
1. Spageti mama.
2. Bu kris
3. Singaporean style rice noodle.
- right i feel like going to Spencer village NOW-
Three makeup or beauty products I cannot live without:
1. Eyeliner
2. Mascara
3. Blush on
Three things I'm looking forward to:
1. Hitting at least 150% sales !!! every single month, i could be the next millionaire. nah just kidding.
2. Get that event officer job. finger crossed.
3. meeting my sister in like August?
Three TV shows I watch:
1. Lipstick Jungle
2. Gossip Girl
3. Grey's anatomy
Three people I tag:
Anyone can do this. seriously
winter is officially here.
And Wendy is so happy. WeeHee ! the smell of cold air in the morning is sooo incredible hahahaha
Happiness is (extended version ;p)
Having a hot chocolate in a winter.
Sleeping for 12 hours without any distractions.
Going to the Church every single week together with him.
Drinking Utopia's green mango milk tea with sago every weekend.
Having a long warm bath after working.
Choosing nail colours for the weekend.
The smell of the new bed sheet and quilt cover.
Listening to ipod while laying down on the grass in Kings Park.
Sipping a cup coffee in Mill Point.
Eating baked banana cheesecake together with him.
Having a room that fulls of blue-y things.
Playing tennis.
Praying Rosary together.
Eating dim sum after playing tennis.
Gossiping with mom.
Donating some money to the needy ones.
Celebrating someone's birthday.
Absolutely my own birthday.
So, what's ur happiness??
Sleeping for 12 hours without any distractions.
Going to the Church every single week together with him.
Drinking Utopia's green mango milk tea with sago every weekend.
Having a long warm bath after working.
Choosing nail colours for the weekend.
The smell of the new bed sheet and quilt cover.
Listening to ipod while laying down on the grass in Kings Park.
Sipping a cup coffee in Mill Point.
Eating baked banana cheesecake together with him.
Having a room that fulls of blue-y things.
Playing tennis.
Praying Rosary together.
Eating dim sum after playing tennis.
Gossiping with mom.
Donating some money to the needy ones.
Celebrating someone's birthday.
Absolutely my own birthday.
So, what's ur happiness??
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