
Three names I go by :
1. Wendy
2. Wendoy - rach and rick always call me wendoy since i dont know when. they're the only 2 persons that call me that. funny enough.
3. Wenwen - hahah i made this one up

Three jobs I have had:
1. Barista
2. Cashier
3. PR/marketing

Three places I have lived:
1. Surabaya
2. Queens Park
3. Burswood

Three favorite drinks:
1. Mango green milk tea - utopia
2. Soy mocca
3. aer

Three places I would like to visit:
1. Japan !!! will definitely go there for honeymoon !!
2. UK and this one is confirmed as the honeymoon destination as well *wink
3. Surabaya - why oh why police clearance indo only valid for 6 months ?????

Three people who text me regularly:
1. uhm Jon? not really
2. Dad?
3. Alex? this one is random - Wen, microwavenya udah bener, wen rumah gak apa2 khan kena hail, wen uang rumah udah dapet kok.

Three favorite dishes:
1. Spageti mama.
2. Bu kris
3. Singaporean style rice noodle.

- right i feel like going to Spencer village NOW-

Three makeup or beauty products I cannot live without:
1. Eyeliner
2. Mascara
3. Blush on

Three things I'm looking forward to:
1. Hitting at least 150% sales !!! every single month, i could be the next millionaire. nah just kidding.
2. Get that event officer job. finger crossed.
3. meeting my sister in like August?

Three TV shows I watch:
1. Lipstick Jungle
2. Gossip Girl
3. Grey's anatomy

Three people I tag:

Anyone can do this. seriously

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aku ngakak baca about Alex hahahhaa.

The Singaporean noodle thing - a Singaporean friend of mine refuses to even call it that, apparently it's something that you won't find in Singapore. :P