
His cute notes.

So this is his notes, reminding me what to bring on my first business trip ever. He's too cute to even mention eyeliner and make-up remover, and insisting me to bring my make up remover pads as well.


Leony said...

Wennnnn...lucu banget... salute sama Jon...

Karia Venessa said...

yak ampun wen, so sweet lo si jon mu itu hehehe ;p eyeliner bok sampe diingetin gitu. iya wen, yang ijo itu melon. waktu itu aku sampek mborong 2 liter susu. yang melon ya masih ada lo wen. liburny hari ini wen, ada pilwalikota gt, mek e aku ga nyoblos. kita kan bukan pure anak sby hahahaha :D