
too old to be called a teen

Hey it's just funny when I strolled back my old blog, I felt like reading someone else's life. It feels so strange reading every single confession that I wrote back in 2005 and so on, just before I moved here. Reading my own love story (with my ex) and hey I was that tough ya know, I could never imagine to do long distance relationship anymore, I obviously still ok to do it under special circumstances but it's just not what u wanna repeat again.

It's funny when I looked back my old uni days when assignments were still my enemy but I now miss them like hell. How I hated doing my presentations, my reports and my exams but I miss them so badly now. Time does really fly, doesnt it?

It's even funnier when I was really mad at stoopid people underestimating my studies, you can read it here.
Now I don't give a shit to what people said about what I do, it's my own life, I only concern about what I really want and need not anyone else's. Haha. BOO you who are judging me. remember, I DONT GIVE A SHIT.

Oh well, time does really flies (I know I've written there somewhere in my line). Can't believe I'll be 22 this year. Oh man, I don't wanna be that old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i cracked up reading your entry yang membela jurusan kita wen hahaha - it's so true, though. even my mom still underestimates PR. i just don't bother to respond anymore. hehe.

-m xox