

Does every girl have to be size 6 ????? Oh yes, I gained weight. and now suddenly it got something to do with you. thank you for your attention but i don't need it. what is your problem ? I hate going back to my hometown and every single person i know including every single -very not important - people i know will complain how chubby i am now. SO ????? SO ???? fucked up your own business that got nothing to do with me. I AM HAPPY with all the fat i have. I hate your little ******* mouth that obviously had no filters.

oh, I don't mind if I pretend not to know each other when we meet in the future. I'm happy to do that, much happier than listening to your comment on my weight. Just fuck off and shut up.


Selfish Jean said...

I am not the 6-size-girl, and I eat a lot of stuff.

Here is a quote of mine: Don't bother, don't care, don't give a damn :)

Cheer up girl! :)

blue pankponk said...

hei thanks btw. they dont have brains for some reasons.