
Since this is Lent season and me, as a Catholic, have to give up something that I like. So, I decided to give up meat for this year, it's just something that I haven't done before, being a vegetarian for 45 days. You must know that eating vegetarian menu or cooking different vegetarian menus is absolutely killing my -already dying- cooking brain. I only know couple menus to cook that always contains tofu and tofu and mushroom and if someone opens my stomach it will be just tofus and some chinese vegies. I finished class at 8pm, got home STARVING like havent eaten for 2 days, looking at my frigde and AH HA i found fresh spinach and ricotta pasta and that's when brain suddenly awakes from the dead. I made this fresh homemade yummy pasta. I think this is my second best vegetarian food after agedashi tofu.

disclaimer: this photo doesn't look appealing but the TASTE is HEAVEN.


Spinach & Ricotta agnolotti (dumplings) - mine was Remo pasta
Tomato paste - mine was Remo Tomato pasta and red wine
Oregano - cant live without it or Basil leaves
Fresh mushroom, cut into smaller pieces - I was using fresh white mushroom
A bit of feta cheese, crumbled

A bit of black pepper
A bit of sugar

How to cook:

1. Boil pasta until cooked and drain.

2. Use a saucepan, put the tomato paste first, sprinkle with oregano or basil leaves and black pepper and sugar. Wait until hot, put a little bit of water to difuse the paste and then the pasta, stir it well.

3. Put in the mushroom and feta cheese together, stir it well until cooked.

4. Then, ready to serve.


Sprinkle with oregano, parmesan cheese and in my case, the sweet chilly cream cheese. Teehee I'm a cheese person.

Trust me, I couldn't make pasta before, they always tasted so bad that I gave up cooking them. But this time, it is realllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyy gooooooooood like the one you have in an Italian restaurant. Next time you make pasta, use tomato sauce and herbs.

My agedashi tofu and agedashi mushroom isn't that bad as well. trust me, I'm getting better. Ask Jon. teeheee

1 comment:

Karia Venessa said...

kayaknya enak ya wen emang :)
wen, april mungkin aku mau ke perth lg lo.. tp cek mungkin, ajarin masak ya.. hehehehe..