
little miss happy


Just sorting out my happy places :)

1. Ikea. Love every bits of ikea.
2. Toy'R'us. Happy childhood moments.
3. My room. Love the smell of my quilt covers.
4. Singapore. and Changi. and SQ flights. Shopping heaven minus the Singlish.
5. Apple store. self explanation.
6. Imp cafe. I can hear my brain's always telling me that I must own this place someday.
7. Japan and UK and Vatican. my -honeymoon to be- destinations. *halah kapan kawinnya! plaaak*
8. Pokcan home. It might be small but that's where my heart and soul is.

So, what are your happy places?

Bye-bye Perth ! again

Only for the weekend though !


momski and popski are on their way to Sydney now (read: transiting at Changi airport and eating good food and shopping spree) !

my little baby sister is now an official bachelor of classical music. I must tell my mind that she is NOT that little anymore and arrgh that is a difficult thing to do actually.


Tau khan rasanya lagi jatuh cinta sama seseorang, senyum-senyum terus, cekikikan malu2 kalo lagi inget si dia, kalo mau tidur isi doanya semoga dia juga suka aku, kalo mau ketemu deg-degan tiada tara.

LAH itu dia yang wendy rasakan sekarang.

Tiap hari senyum2 liat fotonya, kalo bisa malah dicium2 itu fotonya, jantung berdetak lebih cepat tentunya kalo mau ketemu si dia. Kalo ngelamun eh pasti jatuh2nya mikirin dia lagi.

HAYO siapa dia? Yang bisa menggeser Mr J di hati Wendy *halah* ? Dan bikin Mr J mengalah mundur selangkah dari pikiran saya?

APALAGI kalo bukan *justekjustekjustek* a NEW MACBOOK AIR !!

Nangis mupeng tapi kata Mr J mending Macbook pro aja soalnya kalah hard drive dan lebih mahal $100. Tapi tapi tapiiiii aku sukaaaaaak tipisnya kaya ga kerasa gitu kalo make *loh kayak softex hahaha*

Haduh rasanya kayak lagi mau dipinang 2 lelaki, bingung mau pilih yang mana !


a million of stories

I miss writing. a proper public relations writing. no grammatical or spelling errors. Oh, I'm not drunk by the way, but I really miss the insanity of writing a proper paper.
Well oh well, I have a million of stories, billions probably to be written but they *obviously* are stuck in my brain waiting to be bombarded into several posts.

Let's just talk about my after uni life although it's kinda plain but I love the fact that I don't need to do any assignments at all ! *clapping*. Another good thing about my plain life is I'm able to plan anything again if you know me or have read my previous posts, you will understand how important it is for me to plan !

I'm a plan person, I plan every single thing and I can't stand an -unplanned- day, that would just drive me absolutely crazy and gregetan. So, here I am, starting to collecting the pieces of my life and yeah I'm ready for my big plan ahead *-_________-* -> it's a wide big smile for your info

Oh another interesting fact of me, I just rejected an employer. Yes, I did reject them. For the first time in my life, even tough it's a good opportunity for me and the money will be good someday but I'm pretty sure I won't be happy doing that. I know I might regret it sometime in the future but my mind kept saying don't take it wendy so for now, no thank you, no matter how much I hate my current job but I'm happy doing it and I know I'm pretty good at it ;p

Well well well see ya on the next posts !



Beneran deh, akhir2 ini berasa letoy dan ga ber-immune sama sekali, gampang banget sorethroat dan meriang. Plus weather yang engga konsisten ini, kalo siang panas menyengat kalo malem dingin begitu aja tiap hari sampe bingung kalo pake baju.


apa kabar dunia?

Apa kabar saya? Capek tapi seneng
Seneng di kelilingi temen2 tiap hari, dengan segala up and down kita yang bareng2 selalu ada kasih di dalemnya.
Kenapa capek?  
Tiap hari kerja, pulang langsung lanjut meeting ato choir. Tapi seneng juga retreat ICYO 2010 bisa membuat peserta dan komiti tercengang dan merasa jleb jleb jleb
dan tentunya saya lebih jleb jleb jleb lagi soalnya cuman ikut malam pertama dan hari terakhir karna kerja !! *maunya bolos tapi ntar dipecat gimana donk*
Mundur 2 minggu yang lalu
Saya juga capek banget tapi seneng soalnya ada keluarga disini walaupun lebih sering ditinggal kerja daripada ketemunya dan ngerasa dalem ati Oh gini toh kerja rasanya, engga bisa kaya dulu pas uni kalo ada family dateng yah langsung aja bolos ga pake mikir lagi. Sedih tapi mo gimana lagi, sudah nyemplung ke reality ini ga bisa mundurin waktu khan?
2 minggu yang lalu juga adalah convocation buat my master degree ! yang ternyata saya tidur the whole ceremony hehehhee abisan capek banget khan itu abis kerja trus karna duduk di first 2 rows dan tentunya maju pertama tuh abis itu tancep tidur sampe akhir acara, agak memalukan sih sama kiri kanan tapi bodo amat lah ya udah ngantuk. Foto2 akan meluncur di next post (soalnya ini nulis pake imel)


Wendy Lumanau