
a million of stories

I miss writing. a proper public relations writing. no grammatical or spelling errors. Oh, I'm not drunk by the way, but I really miss the insanity of writing a proper paper.
Well oh well, I have a million of stories, billions probably to be written but they *obviously* are stuck in my brain waiting to be bombarded into several posts.

Let's just talk about my after uni life although it's kinda plain but I love the fact that I don't need to do any assignments at all ! *clapping*. Another good thing about my plain life is I'm able to plan anything again if you know me or have read my previous posts, you will understand how important it is for me to plan !

I'm a plan person, I plan every single thing and I can't stand an -unplanned- day, that would just drive me absolutely crazy and gregetan. So, here I am, starting to collecting the pieces of my life and yeah I'm ready for my big plan ahead *-_________-* -> it's a wide big smile for your info

Oh another interesting fact of me, I just rejected an employer. Yes, I did reject them. For the first time in my life, even tough it's a good opportunity for me and the money will be good someday but I'm pretty sure I won't be happy doing that. I know I might regret it sometime in the future but my mind kept saying don't take it wendy so for now, no thank you, no matter how much I hate my current job but I'm happy doing it and I know I'm pretty good at it ;p

Well well well see ya on the next posts !


Leony said...

BIG PLAN AHEADDDD ??? wink wink wink wink wink....

Andita Vernada said...

BIG plan nya mau married yaaaaaaa????? #sebargosip #soktau