
little miss happy


Just sorting out my happy places :)

1. Ikea. Love every bits of ikea.
2. Toy'R'us. Happy childhood moments.
3. My room. Love the smell of my quilt covers.
4. Singapore. and Changi. and SQ flights. Shopping heaven minus the Singlish.
5. Apple store. self explanation.
6. Imp cafe. I can hear my brain's always telling me that I must own this place someday.
7. Japan and UK and Vatican. my -honeymoon to be- destinations. *halah kapan kawinnya! plaaak*
8. Pokcan home. It might be small but that's where my heart and soul is.

So, what are your happy places?

1 comment:

Leony said...

Wen, UK and Vatican, you can put them together. Hahahaha... Kalo Japan-nya, aku yakin, pasanganmu juga kebelet pengen ke sana :P

My happy place... kayaknya so far kamar sendiri aja yah :D