
si lucu

is my best Aussie workmate ever !

Hard worker, the best team player u've wish for, reliable, funny, motivating, and always bringing positive attitude to me. I might not have the best job in the world, I'd probably have the worst job ever but I have the best person to work with.

And he won't be there next week and the week after and the week after that and like for good :(

This is heartbreaking for me, it's like breaking up with ur boyfriend, not that I love him it's just weird not seeing him at work and no one that I can rely on, at work I mean.


Ga ada lagi yang sms tiap ari:
haha just arrived, waiting for you.
bubble tea? c'mon u want it
anything from coles?
ordering catchoftheday, want any?


Ga ada lagi yang bilang:
I'll pick up the phone.
Im bored kill me now
hey check this cool games
that's ok I'll sort these out
so what's for lunch? feel like hans and utopia?
Don't worry wendy, I dont leave u alone, I leave si ganteng with you.

Huwaaaaaaaaaaa T.T

I guess I will cry tomorrow.

Best of luck in the States, lucu, oh and I will miss you. much.

ps: can I keep you on fridge and defrost you when I miss you?

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