
All I could say is

I want to go back to my old UNI days, where assignments and group meetings were always the enemies.
I want to feel the rush when the assignments are due in 24 hours and I'm still writing the introduction part.
I know it's weird but it's true.

Me want to skip classes, me want to queue buying flat white and choc muffin at Angazi cafe, coming late after the break.
How nice it is, doing research and writing the assignments. Hmmppff, I want to go back to Uni.

I know it's weird, it is indeed.


Ai lap yuuu Curtin ....
Ai lap yuuu 408, 402 and Angazi and "Warung" and Main cafe
Ai miss lunch-ing together and the picnics at "front of" the library

1 comment:

Andita Vernada said...

aku jg kangen weeennn. huhuhu. master yuk? xP