
mampus ini.

I just got a call from Victoria Park Hotel to arrange an interview. The problem is ..... I have no idea what kind of job I applied. none. kosong. blas.
I searched all my emails about the company and the one who called me just now but it turned zero email.

*stressed out*

how ini how? ketemu sih satu email yg namanya sama ky yg telpon aku, tapi kok nama companynya beda. Trus masak aku apply buat Event Co-ordinator?? heeh rada sinting aku ini.

Lah gimana ini besok. *kebayang bsk pas interview*

Interviewer: Well, Wendy, tell me why do you want this job?
W: ehmm yeaah, well, ehhmm, I think I have the ability to do that.
I: Do what?
W: ehmm do that thing, that job which I have no idea at all. ;p
I: Have u had any previous experience in this field?
W: ehmm, yeaah, sort of.


Adi Indra said...

Lah, imagine bu kalau kamu ternyata apply untuk MISS UNIVERSE 2009?!

DwD said...

mudah2an inget yaaaa mo lamar kerjaan apaan! :D

blue pankponk said...

adi: luarbiasaaaa

dwd: Amiiin.... malu ga sih, kalo tanya dulu kerjanya apa? hahahha

Anonymous said...

hahah wen - gimana jadinya?

blue pankponk said...

hahaha itu ternyata jadi bar attendant mir, aku apply di seek.
Tapi bukan ke hotelnya langsung, lewat ky agent gitu lho, yg " our clients needs .... "

eeehh trus dia nyari yg experienced,
ga sampe 1 mnt tuh kita ngobrol langsung bye2