
Gelaran Sembilan: the nine masterpieces from ICYO choir

Indonesian Catholic Youth Organisation (ICYO) would like to take this opportunity to cordially invite you to our second choral charity concert, entitled “Gelaran Sembilan”.

The title of the concert is excerpted from Javanese language, which linguistically means “The Masterpieces of Nine”. In this concert, the ICYO choir will perform nine Indonesian and Western repertoires.

It is ICYO’s annual tradition to hold a fundraising event. Proceedings of this charity concert will go towards the establishment of the first orphanage and seminary house in Ruteng, Flores – Indonesia.

It is an honour for us to remind you that supporting this charity is merely another way of wearing your heart on your sleeve. You, who have been endowed with the privilege to make this charity come to its fruition, are the heart of this event. Care about others, let's help others.

Admission: $20/person.
Ticketing officers:
Audrey | 0431 294 212
Yovita | 0430 197 924

For sponsorships and donations, please contact:
Carissa | 0424 100 857
Wendy | 0405 011 350


Leony said...

Ibu kita yang satu ini... emang PR Sejati !! heheheheh... Good luck ya Wen for the preps and the show. I wish I could be there. (Wen, coba kalo diadainnya pas lagi Lebaran break kemarin, aku kan jadi bisa dateng, plus papi2 dan mami2 yang lagi liburan bisa nonton juga deh. Kalo tahun depan dibikinnya pas lebaran break gimana ? Usul usulll....:))

blue pankponk said...

Hahaha usul nanti diajukan buat komiti next year ya! balik sini lagi aja nanti pas kita konser yuk yuk yuk ga rugi lho dateng !

Leony said...

Hihihih...ngaco kamu, bolak balik Perth sebulan sekali... emangnya duitnya ambil dari pohon? Kecuali kamu mau sponsporin. Heihehehe...(Btw Wen, sedih aku bulan kmarin pas ke Perth gak sempet ketemuan sama Harper 13... hu hu hu... Pingin ketemuan, tp karena satu dan lain hal, gak bisa).