

Saya males masukin foto, ntar2 aja yah kalo udah niat. Pengen bli alat nih yg bisa mentransfer sendiri dari omongan jadi tulisan dan langsung dipost di blog. Hueheheh mantap.

Oke oke melanjutkan cerita kemaren.

Sampek di surabaya itu minggu malem khan, ya udah sih gitu2 aja, dari airport amazed ada TOL juanda (yg ujungnya ga tau kemana) di depan rumah persis ! Right in front of your eyes, approx. 5 meters from our house's gates. So proud of the Indonesia government whom really care about their people's safety *clapping hands*.

Lanjut ! Abis mandi2 blah blah dinner ikan bakar2an di resto Cianjur waaaah almost 2 years I havent had that, sampe sana bueh ramenya ga karuan mana pake adegan ada anak kecil jatuhin bambu pajangan persis di kakiku ! duh kudu tak geplak anak itu, ga tau diri trus ortunya juga diem2 aja lagi, ga tau apa kakiku sampe bengkak gara2 itu, untung di tarik papa kalo engga udah kisruh itu hahahaha. Abis itu sampe hari jumat di surabaya yang ujung2nya juga makan2 tok hehehehehehehe.

The weekend's gateaway.

This is the main reason why I went back to Indo last June, one of my (which I consider) cousins got married !! Well, it's actually the son of my mom's cousin but me & my cousins are really close together and that's why we consider one and another as cousins. The actual venue is in Solo but our huge family decided to stop over at Jogjakarta first, then we went to Solo the next day. There were 26 of us travelling together by train and you can call that a real chaos, a train car full of mums and grandmas, yes, they kept feeding you like you havent eaten for a week but it's fun. Nothing much we did while in Jogjakarta, attending a Javanese spoken mass at Ganjuran (we are devout Catholics), had dinner at somewhere really far far away from the city and got really tired by the time we went back to the hotel. One thing I noticed from our hotel was there were no lifts at all (it only has 2 level thou) but still, lifting our (huge) luggages was no fun at all.

The wedding day

We should leave the hotel at 9am and yeah, I chose to skip breakfast, woke up late and did my hair hahahahahah while everyone's busy having brekky. However, I was the one who got ready fast for the wedding matrimony and I could help my aunties and cousins getting their done, smart thinking :p.

Let's move to after the wedding matrimony scene. We hired a team doing our make-up and hair for the wedding reception and gosh, mom let them used our hotel room, as you all can guess, it was more like a chaos than a hotel room. One was in the hallway, one was on the bed, two were in lounge, one was in the balcony and people kept getting in and out from
our room. The wedding reception? yeah usual, but the hotel's ballroom was reaaaaaaaally small, they even hired all the venues in the hotel (Lor-inn Solo), 2 of the garden sides, all the ballroom but still packed with people.


Time to go back to Surabaya, woke up early, got ready, and straight to the train station. No fuss at all. I didnt buy anything, didnt do anything fun except getting ready for the wedding ;p


Leony said...

Wen...aku sih amazed sama 1 thing. Masak iya, jalan tol bener2 cuma 5 meter dari depan pintu rumahmu ? Itu sih pemerintah bukan cuma gak mikirin safety, tapi juga gak mikirin kenyamanan dong. Pasti jadi brisik dan polusi banget! Dasar pemerintah Indo! Anyway, I just realized kalau di area Jawa Tengah dan sekitarnya itu, hotel ballroom rata-rata kecil-kecil. Makanya banyakan orang bikin acara hajatan besar di balai balai gitu Wen. Kalau di Jkt dan Sby kan banyak ballroom gede ya.

blue pankponk said...

Beneran itu, keluar pager langsung jreng jalan tol !

Arman said...

yahhh padahal gua menantikan laporan wisata kuliner di sby beserta foto2nya... hehehe

blue pankponk said...

Sabar man, ntar ada post khusus buat makanan heheheheh