From the worldvision!
Remember this posting? Ternyata yah setelah dipikir2, ditimbang2, dilihat2 dan dirasakan, punya anak asuh di worldvision ga usah punya gaji yg nolnya 6 juga bisa kok, monthly feenya is cheaper than 2x meals in Sizzler !
We believe what goes around comes around.
Life is getting much better now, I just feel the burden is a little bit lighter these days. So, in short, I got my uni results last week and yeah, I passed all units which means I'm no longer a student ! wohoo and and and the great news is I got 7 for each band for my ielts test which also means I can apply for my permanent residency here !! double wohoooo. I personally thank everyone who prayed for my permanent residency, I thank God for not letting me down (because come on, common sense ->I work here as a SALES person who talks talks everyday with millions customers, I graduated from an -english speaking- university, then how come I can't pass my ielts test, I can prove myself I can do this ! ) --> nah I'm lying, the night before, I cried the whole nite listing down all my things on what needs to be shipped to Indonesia, what should I do my clothes and bags and shoes, should I donate them or should I send them to Indonesia, preparing myself to do a long distance relationship with Jon and those sort of stupid thoughts. So when I opened that ielts results folder, I jumped over joy and I had pork for my dinner (pork is my happy food btw). So yeah, Jon was also that happy.
Talking about my work, eerrr nothing special it's just a job. Found more and more stupid customers everyday, I mean, I'm a sales person not a technician but I got so many customers expecting us to fix their problems. or famous ones are "Oh, when is the Iphone 4G coming?", "Do you know what Iphone 4 plans are?" and "Huh, how come you don't know when Iphone 4 is coming? you're working here!" come on morons... first of all, I'm not working for Steve Jobs, secondly, If I knew it I won't be lying to you, thirdly, READ THE NEWS !!! then you will know when it would be coming to aussie, and lastly, I'm not the CEO of this company, I'm just the slave so I have no fuckin idea on iphone plans !
Oh and they're doing this stupid merger thingy with vodafone, so this week I'm working more than 40 hrs to set up the whole thing. Good money thou, but 6 days a week freaking yeah what a life.
Now I'm craving for .... a long holiday ! hiks hiks hiks and the Paul&Joe cosmetics, they are cute esp. the alice in wonderland products ooh where can I buy those lipsticks ?? I firstly found them in Diana-Ang's blog , then (as usual) searched them online but couldn't find any >.<
Life is getting much better now, I just feel the burden is a little bit lighter these days. So, in short, I got my uni results last week and yeah, I passed all units which means I'm no longer a student ! wohoo and and and the great news is I got 7 for each band for my ielts test which also means I can apply for my permanent residency here !! double wohoooo. I personally thank everyone who prayed for my permanent residency, I thank God for not letting me down (because come on, common sense ->I work here as a SALES person who talks talks everyday with millions customers, I graduated from an -english speaking- university, then how come I can't pass my ielts test, I can prove myself I can do this ! ) --> nah I'm lying, the night before, I cried the whole nite listing down all my things on what needs to be shipped to Indonesia, what should I do my clothes and bags and shoes, should I donate them or should I send them to Indonesia, preparing myself to do a long distance relationship with Jon and those sort of stupid thoughts. So when I opened that ielts results folder, I jumped over joy and I had pork for my dinner (pork is my happy food btw). So yeah, Jon was also that happy.
Talking about my work, eerrr nothing special it's just a job. Found more and more stupid customers everyday, I mean, I'm a sales person not a technician but I got so many customers expecting us to fix their problems. or famous ones are "Oh, when is the Iphone 4G coming?", "Do you know what Iphone 4 plans are?" and "Huh, how come you don't know when Iphone 4 is coming? you're working here!" come on morons... first of all, I'm not working for Steve Jobs, secondly, If I knew it I won't be lying to you, thirdly, READ THE NEWS !!! then you will know when it would be coming to aussie, and lastly, I'm not the CEO of this company, I'm just the slave so I have no fuckin idea on iphone plans !
Oh and they're doing this stupid merger thingy with vodafone, so this week I'm working more than 40 hrs to set up the whole thing. Good money thou, but 6 days a week freaking yeah what a life.
Now I'm craving for .... a long holiday ! hiks hiks hiks and the Paul&Joe cosmetics, they are cute esp. the alice in wonderland products ooh where can I buy those lipsticks ?? I firstly found them in Diana-Ang's blog , then (as usual) searched them online but couldn't find any >.<
My papa
is the first man I love in my life and I always will.
He is not a rich dude, in fact he works really hard for us but we never suffer, not even once.
He is a good husband, taking care of mum that much. I mean like, calling her almost every hour, being the romantic guy on their anniversary, being supportive of everything we (me and my sister) are doing.
He is the "educative" daddy. Saving every pennies he had for our education, like sending us overseas, letting us chose whatever degree we liked and never mind paying for our private tutors.
He never whinged about spending too much for his kids, but he barely spent anything for himself.
He has never ever beaten me or my sister or my mum. Not even once. He is a true gentleman.
He is my true legend. He graduated with cumlaude or with distinction (if you're more familiar with this). He can speak 4 languages. In short, he has a really really good brain, it can literary absorb anything.
He likes traveling and even though we are not rich, we have the privilege to travel in almost every year.
He is afraid of God and he prays a lot. A faith that strengthens his love to us.
He is my man. I will get myself a husband like him.
My master degree is for you, papa. for everything you have done in my life.
He is not a rich dude, in fact he works really hard for us but we never suffer, not even once.
He is a good husband, taking care of mum that much. I mean like, calling her almost every hour, being the romantic guy on their anniversary, being supportive of everything we (me and my sister) are doing.
He is the "educative" daddy. Saving every pennies he had for our education, like sending us overseas, letting us chose whatever degree we liked and never mind paying for our private tutors.
He never whinged about spending too much for his kids, but he barely spent anything for himself.
He has never ever beaten me or my sister or my mum. Not even once. He is a true gentleman.
He is my true legend. He graduated with cumlaude or with distinction (if you're more familiar with this). He can speak 4 languages. In short, he has a really really good brain, it can literary absorb anything.
He likes traveling and even though we are not rich, we have the privilege to travel in almost every year.
He is afraid of God and he prays a lot. A faith that strengthens his love to us.
He is my man. I will get myself a husband like him.
My master degree is for you, papa. for everything you have done in my life.
menanti sabar waktu Tuhan
Di dalam hidup ini, semua ada waktunya.
Ada waktunya kita menabur,
ada juga waktu menuai.
Mungkin dalam hidupmu bagai datang menyerbu,
mungkin doamu bagai tak terjawab !
Namun yakinlah tetap.
Tuhan tak'kan terlambat
juga tak akan lebih cepat
Semuanya Dia jadikan indah tepat pada waktuNya.
Tuhan selalu dengar doamu.
Tuhan tak pernah tinggalkanmu.
PertolonganNya pasti kan tiba tepat pada waktuNya.
Bagaikan kuncup mawar pada waktunya mekar
Percayalah ...
Tuhan jadikan semua indah pada waktunya.
Hendaklah kita slalu hidup dalam firmanNya.
Percayalah kepada Tuhan!
Nantikan Dia bekerja pada waktuNya.
Tuhan takkan terlambat
Juga takkan lebih cepat
Ajarilah kami setia slalu menanti waktuMu Tuhan.
1 Korintus 10:13 & Pengkotbah 3:11a
(Taken from the daily prayer book)
Terima kasih Tuhan Yesus dan Bunda Maria atas terkabulnya permohonan dalam doa Novena Tiga Kali Salam Maria dan Rosario.
Ada waktunya kita menabur,
ada juga waktu menuai.
Mungkin dalam hidupmu bagai datang menyerbu,
mungkin doamu bagai tak terjawab !
Namun yakinlah tetap.
Tuhan tak'kan terlambat
juga tak akan lebih cepat
Semuanya Dia jadikan indah tepat pada waktuNya.
Tuhan selalu dengar doamu.
Tuhan tak pernah tinggalkanmu.
PertolonganNya pasti kan tiba tepat pada waktuNya.
Bagaikan kuncup mawar pada waktunya mekar
Percayalah ...
Tuhan jadikan semua indah pada waktunya.
Hendaklah kita slalu hidup dalam firmanNya.
Percayalah kepada Tuhan!
Nantikan Dia bekerja pada waktuNya.
Tuhan takkan terlambat
Juga takkan lebih cepat
Ajarilah kami setia slalu menanti waktuMu Tuhan.
1 Korintus 10:13 & Pengkotbah 3:11a
(Taken from the daily prayer book)
Terima kasih Tuhan Yesus dan Bunda Maria atas terkabulnya permohonan dalam doa Novena Tiga Kali Salam Maria dan Rosario.
tukang bakso
Well, tiap inget cerita ini selalu ketawa guling2.
Jadi ceritanya aku bikin bakso kuah gitu pake isi ga jelas apa adanya di kulkas. Trus sebagai pacar yg baik ya, aku tanya Jon mau ga buat besok lunch dprd dia makan bakers delight tiap hari bisa kurus itu perutnya *hihihi*. Trus dia liat tuh di panci kayak apaan bentuknya itu sup bakso.
Jon: Wah hebat kamu bisa bikin bakso beginian - > muka polos banget sampe amazed liat bakso2 di panci.
Me: hah? ya gampanglah bikin ginian, pake aer aja sama royco jadi *tipe cewe yg bego masak*
Jon: lho seriusan? trus bikinnya gimana kok hebat banget kamu? jualan bakso aja kamu tiap ari
Me: *geer* lho kamu khan belon coba gimana tau rasanya ini bakso
Jon: hah ini baksonya gimana kamu bikinnya hebat banget kok kamu ga pernah bikin sebelumnya?
Me: *mulai curiga n ngerti maksud dia* ya elaaah maksud kamu bakso pentolnya itu bikinnya gimana?? hahuahauhauhahaha *ketawa ngejungkal* itu maaah ada teknologi yang namanya asian groceries trus dijual deh itu prepack jojooooon
Jon: hahahhahaha *ketawa berdua* pantesan kok hebat banget kamu bisa bikin begituan -> sialan
ya ampun nak nak kalo ke asian groceries belinya cemilan sama indomi doank sih kamuu
Jadi ceritanya aku bikin bakso kuah gitu pake isi ga jelas apa adanya di kulkas. Trus sebagai pacar yg baik ya, aku tanya Jon mau ga buat besok lunch dprd dia makan bakers delight tiap hari bisa kurus itu perutnya *hihihi*. Trus dia liat tuh di panci kayak apaan bentuknya itu sup bakso.
Jon: Wah hebat kamu bisa bikin bakso beginian - > muka polos banget sampe amazed liat bakso2 di panci.
Me: hah? ya gampanglah bikin ginian, pake aer aja sama royco jadi *tipe cewe yg bego masak*
Jon: lho seriusan? trus bikinnya gimana kok hebat banget kamu? jualan bakso aja kamu tiap ari
Me: *geer* lho kamu khan belon coba gimana tau rasanya ini bakso
Jon: hah ini baksonya gimana kamu bikinnya hebat banget kok kamu ga pernah bikin sebelumnya?
Me: *mulai curiga n ngerti maksud dia* ya elaaah maksud kamu bakso pentolnya itu bikinnya gimana?? hahuahauhauhahaha *ketawa ngejungkal* itu maaah ada teknologi yang namanya asian groceries trus dijual deh itu prepack jojooooon
Jon: hahahhahaha *ketawa berdua* pantesan kok hebat banget kamu bisa bikin begituan -> sialan
ya ampun nak nak kalo ke asian groceries belinya cemilan sama indomi doank sih kamuu
tet tot
si butut
OK, jadi begini ceritanya. Ini hape LG udah dipake 2 taon lebih, udah jatuh puluhan kali sampe kameranya udah ga bisa dipake, memory card ga bisa ke read, 2x sms batre abes, telp sekali batre abis, udah ga karuan lah ini hape. sampe kata si bos, memalukan masak kerja di telco hapenya butut, liat donk semua disini pake iphone *sebagai bukti orang2 di telco harus canggih dan up to date* . yaah gimana donk mau upgrade iphone laah paginya iphone 4 keluar nunggu lah yaaa. skrg iphone 4 ditemuin banyak reception problem. piye ini piye bos?? aku mesti gimana?
iphone 3gs udah jarang ditemuin disini, customer sampe ngomel2 kok ga ada iphone toh *yeee emang kita bosnya iphone ya tau kapan iphone 4 nyampe, kenapa 3gs uda ga distock lagi* -->> curhat kerja
nokia mah jauh lbh bagus credibilitnya drpd LG, hape n70 yg udah lawas banget itu masih oks oks aja sampe skrg yaah tapi apa komen si bos ngeliat aku pake n70, bisa2 aku disuru upgrade hape apapun saat itu juga yg penting up to date. hihihi.
ah ya sudaah bagi yg kebanyakan duit trus bingung duitnya mo diapain, lebih baik nyumbang hape ke wendy. ya? HTC legend plis or iphone 3gs gak papa ntar bln dpn upgrade kok iphone 4
iphone 3gs udah jarang ditemuin disini, customer sampe ngomel2 kok ga ada iphone toh *yeee emang kita bosnya iphone ya tau kapan iphone 4 nyampe, kenapa 3gs uda ga distock lagi* -->> curhat kerja
nokia mah jauh lbh bagus credibilitnya drpd LG, hape n70 yg udah lawas banget itu masih oks oks aja sampe skrg yaah tapi apa komen si bos ngeliat aku pake n70, bisa2 aku disuru upgrade hape apapun saat itu juga yg penting up to date. hihihi.
ah ya sudaah bagi yg kebanyakan duit trus bingung duitnya mo diapain, lebih baik nyumbang hape ke wendy. ya? HTC legend plis or iphone 3gs gak papa ntar bln dpn upgrade kok iphone 4
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