kaya ? sedih ?
Cuman engga tau mesti prihatin ato engga ini dolar aussie naek terus, malah parity terus sama US$ hehehhee (tertawa di atas penderitaan orang indo) secara kalo pulang indo sekarang, saya berasa miliuner (super hiperbola) bayangin dong bawa duit $200 ke indo bisa jadi hampir 2 juta. hihihihi berasa jutawan khan?
Haha I'll be the first person to laugh if they went bankrupt.
Christmas edition, part 3
Boxing day is a day after Christmas day, where all stores, esp big department stores like Myer and David Jones are having big sales on the day.
Mr J woke me up at 4.30 am, cos we wanted to queue up to get David Jones' shopping vouchers (they're giving away $100 something gift cards for the first 50 ppl), 7 of us reached city by 5am and found around 10+ ppl were there already (!). It was pretty chilled and windy before 8am and only 2 of us were jackets, the boys even had to take turns to wear jackets haha !
As we predicted, there were some ppl that cut the queue and we had to argue with the management and some chinese ppl who cant speak english at all that cut the queue (lucky, mr J took photos so we got evidences and an Aussie backed us up). There were so many Chinese ppl queued up and didn't speak english, we even joked that they came here with David Jones visa thats only valid on boxing day hahaha and for seconds, we're confused where we are exactly cos no one speaks english.
After 5 hrs queuing, we got the vouchers but we were so tired and sleepy (some of us didnt sleep at all) and it was full of people, humid and I didn't know what to buy, we even had to queue for the elevator ! Mr J was the only one that shopped yesterday, me? nothing at all, I wasn't in the mood for shopping, I was sleepy, the weather was freaking hot (another 40 deg day), billions of people in 1 small shop, let alone the changing room and cashier. I gave up by 2pm, almost fainted with dehydration and got nothing at all.
Back home at around 3.30 pm, had a quick nap, we and another 2 friends went to church for the sunday mass at 6pm. Me and Mr J decided to have our own xmas dinner in Adelphi house, Hilton but we called up since the afternoon to book a table but turned out that they closed :( and we ended up having dinner in Sizzler haha, we were that hungry and craving for steak but didnt wanna risk if we went to Mt. Lawley or city areas, some restaurants were still closed. We behaved quite well that nite, both of us only had 1 plate of salad before our steak came and 1 plate of dessert each :)
~ And that's the end of my Christmas holiday, unlike others, had to start my work from today O_O ~
Christmas edition, part 2
Woke up at 8am (blaming the summer sun for waking up too early), called mom and pop, and when I got out from room I stunned for a while looking at the present on my doormat and I knew it for seconds it was from my man :) he just never fails to surprise me esp with his "voucher" for a 60 stress massage at a proper spa place in a high class Perth suburban (he later told me that he pities me, working like a dog n that's his treat) and a perfume gift pack.
I finally "realised" that I was going to church for 11.30 am mass but (again) had to be there 10.45 for choir rehearsal n it was 9.30am, I had to make tiramisu for christmas dinner with friends and was that ready for making breakfast but turned out that I ran out of rice, bread or instant noodle and egg :( well I used the eggs for my tiramisu and that's it !
Oh, everyone say hi to Gwyneth, our former's conductor's baby, who was the star of the day. She is the most quiet baby I've ever met, spent most of her time looking at the choir quietly for the whole mass and "choo chooing" with us, her temporary baby sitters.
Cutest baby alive !
The weather was just worse than yesterday,highest point recorded was 42 deg!
Me and Mr J went home, ready for cooking tonite's festive dinner with Dodo and Panda, it was so hot that even the centralised cooler for my house didn't do much for that evening.
Getting ready for Xmas dinner with ICYO fellas in bongki's house, and we cooked more food there with more sweat haha ! in total, we had 5 huge main dishes and all gone quickly *big grin* continued with 5 different desserts haha ! but twas a good gathering, we all had fun there and I'm so grateful to have ICYO here :)
Christmas edition, part 1
Was working the whole day, rushing to get home on time for the Indonesian mass at 7.30pm in Northbridge but we had to be there earlier because another youth group that WAS SUPPOSED to sing that night, canceled their choir few weeks earlier, predictable huh?
and again, ICYO had to take over the responsibility but we (obviously) sang better than their choir haha.
Had also a quick supper after mass with Jon's family in a Vietnamese restaurant nearby and the weather was still as hot as an oven, contradicting European's extreme snowing weather.
Disclaimer for my previous photo!
Ps: for my fans out there (hehehehe) i did lose few kilos actually so dont be tricked by that photo :p
So here we are
Have a very wonderful Christmas!
May us be filled with your love and your mercy and peace throughout the year. May all the people in this world also realise that Christmas is not always about gifts and parties but about the born of our life's saviour.
Bless us again with your love, forgiveness and peace.
I love you Jesus and Mother Mary,
Your sinful child.
all I want for Christmas is a better job.
Ampuni aku Tuhan tapi aku pengen resign secepetnya, bukannya aku ga bersyukur dan slalu mengeluh tapi tapi tapi tapi drpd sebel terus khan ya?
Nightmare before Christmas
Ya sudahlah, 10 minggu lagi liburan juga kok :) sekarang memang waktunya harus menabung banyak tapi kok pengeluaran ya banyak terus, ya bayar bill lah, mesti ganti cd player mobil, mesti service mobil, trus bentar lagi bayar rego mobil (yang angkanya bikin jleb jleb tabungan).
Hiburan disini adalah choir ICYO dan facetime'an sama Mr J soalnya jarang pacaran, satu pulang malem terus, satunya kalo sabtu bantuin bisnis bonyok, belum lagi kerja hari minggu, untung ada teknologi iphone 4.
Piye tho, kok nasibku nelangsa gini disini.
Sedih dan nelangsa.
Yang lebih tetot lagi
Ini udah jam setengah tiga pagi sodara2 dan mata engga ngantuk sama sekali dan besok saptu yang notabene adalah hari brekkie saya bersama sodara Carissa (yang dimana Carissa jemput jam 8 pagi). Tidur 5 jam doank? bah, mana bisa noni satu ini tidur cuman bentar. Karce, besok telpon sayak ya, harap ditelpon jangan di whatsapp, percuma bunyinya cuman tung!
I've got another friend who also is also getting married on the same day as her! and the thing is I am also the event organiser for her wedding and it's a big, full day wedding, from dawn to dawn lavish asian wedding.
TETOT ga seh. kenapa kalian berdua merit di tanggal yang sama, kayak engga ada hari laen aja.
awak jadi pusing khan ini.
intinya hidup saya lagi pusing ini, semua aspek lagi ribet bahkan dateng ke pesta kawinan aja ribet.
mari nyemplung swan river aja.
jeritan hati
i thought this would last at least a year but this is not even 6 mths and i truly hate it, physically and mentally and it feels like eating my brain and my soul slowly.
I love the old management that it's breaking 2 asian hearts with the new racist management. I'm an asian, so what?
Sorry job, at least i tried to love you.
lets see what these asians can do to fuck you bastard bosses.
Si cantik dan si ganteng from L1147
Kata kotbah Romo tadi
Tidak ada Surga tanpa mengubah diri kita dulu menjadi lebih baik.
my awesome life :)
I don't know how to measure the awesome-ness of a life, so everything would be based on my experiences and it may be biased :)
I know and experience how the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and Saint Mary work in my whole entire life. If someone took away my Catholic-ism in my life, I wouldn't be myself.
Because of it, my life is extremely blessed.
I have my family that brought my life to a wonderful world and my parents who took me to different places in this world to experience it.
My life is obviously as beautiful as the world is.
I have a very understanding boyfriend who always acts as my guardian here, you must be angel that God sent to me, did u know that?
Thank you for perfecting my life.
I have friends here that always makes me laugh and shapes my life to be better. Friends in good and bad times.
You guys are my chocolate chips in my cookies.
but I have a terrible job and I truly hate what i'm doing now. and I'm sure God will take me out here as soon as He could.
then my life would turn to a very awesome better life !
Happy Sunday all :)