
my awesome life :)

I need to tell you all that I have an awesome life.
I don't know how to measure the awesome-ness of a life, so everything would be based on my experiences and it may be biased :)
I know and experience how the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and Saint Mary work in my whole entire life. If someone took away my Catholic-ism in my life, I wouldn't be myself.
Because of it, my life is extremely blessed.
I have my family that brought my life to a wonderful world and my parents who took me to different places in this world to experience it.
My life is obviously as beautiful as the world is.
I have a very understanding boyfriend who always acts as my guardian here, you must be angel that God sent to me, did u know that?
Thank you for perfecting my life.
I have friends here that always makes me laugh and shapes my life to be better. Friends in good and bad times.
You guys are my chocolate chips in my cookies.
but I have a terrible job and I truly hate what i'm doing now. and I'm sure God will take me out here as soon as He could.

then my life would turn to a very awesome better life !

Happy Sunday all :)

1 comment:

Cindy Monica said...

Hihi wish my Mama Wenwen and Papa Jon a happy life ever after :)