
Terima kasih Tuhan

Semua akan indah pada waktunya.

Belum, dunia saya belum seindah yang kalian bayangkan, tapi at least satu halangan besar di hidup saya sudah hilang.

Manajer saya yang engga bisa apa apa itu (baca: maen fesbuk all the time, leyeh-leyeh di sofa dan telponan sama temennya) sudah pergi, lebih tepatnya lagi I sacked my manager. Karna saya sudah ga tahan sama kelakuan dia, curhatlah saya sama director company ini (baca: bos gede yang punya company ini seluruh aussie) kayak sok deket aja hehehe emang deket kok sama bos ini. Eh trus, besokannya state manager dateng sambil ngepalin tangannya, dia bilang, KOK BARU BILANG SEKARANG ! trus yah saya bales, lah khan situ yang nge hire dia, harusnya dia qualify dong buat jadi manager and I thought you liked him. Dia jawab khan selama ini beres2 aja, langsung saya sambet YAH IYALAH WONG AKU YANG KERJA SEMUA sambil ngasi bukti2 yang ada dan ngasi sales report dia yang cuman SATU ! Masi inget waktu dia pertama kerja disini, dia sempet liat state sales report terus bilang, wah jadi selama ini kamu no 1 ya di state ini, tapi itu ga bakal lama sih, I"LL BEAT YOUR SALES ! hahahahaha wong dia cuman satu selama ini, saya yah begitu2 aja.

Besokannya di pecat deh dia.

Ya udah lah, too bad, siapa suruh dia begitu.

Baru inget juga selama ini saya pernah menyaksikan 3x orang dipecat langsung, yang pertama manajer lama di cafe tempat aku kerja dulu, karna ya tipe2nya sama males gitu. Yang kedua, sales consultant di company yang dulu, dia ngakunya experience udah banyak tapi malesnya bukan maen. Yang ketiga ya manajer dudul tong kosong nyaring bunyinya itu.

Si bapak akhirnya terbuka juga matanya siapa yang paling beres diantara staff2nya, ya kita ini orang asia. Kerjain semuanya tanpa komplen, langsung beres tanpa ba bi bu, ga banyak minta macem-macem tapi one shot semua jadi.


Salam sibuk ! *lanjut kerjain paperwork yang sejibun*


Time slips

Karna hr ini pulang kerja pagian (halah pdhl jam 4 juga plgnya soalnya udah overtime hehehe), pantesnya ngapaen hayo sore gini? Jawabannya adalah tidur siang ! Heehehe dan tiba2 aja nih pas cuci piring n cuci baju sblm beres2 masuk kamar, balik ke jaman tk sd dulu.

Tiap abis plg skola jam 1an deh kayanya khan pastinya lunch dulu sama mama, abis itu pasti disuru tidur tapi kita (sama adek) demennya maen2 loh ga mau disuru bobok tapi ya akhirnya masuk kamar mama juga sih bobok bertiga brg gitu tidurnya melintang sambil ndengerin kasetnya kak ria n susan :D, dan kita ga bisa tidur kalo ga gosok2 tangan n kaki mama :)

Jam stengah 4 sore pasti bangun soalnya ada Tom and Jerry ato Woody Woodpecker di TPI trus lanjut Kring Kring Olala abis itu loncat2 kalo papa pulang kerja dan sisa sore itu diabisin dengan nyamilin camilan yg mama buat tiap sore.

Kok dipikir2 menyenangkan banget yaaaaaa T.T I can't say thank mom and dad enough for giving the best childhood memories, seandainya aku diasuh sama suster pas itu, kira2 bisa ga ya kangen bobok siang sama suster (?)


When one dream dies, dream another dream

2010 was full of ups and downs for me, there are lots of love-hate relationships and bittersweet experiences with my job. I've seen many good-byes and welcomes to old and new friends in my life. It was a mixed experience for me, lots of questions and uncertainty but I realise that the most important things for me now are, I am surrounded by friends and family whom I love all the time and I have things that I need. I thank God for taking care of me that much.

As I always do, there will be a list of highlights of my life for 2010:

1. Went to Sydney twice this year. My weekend gateways.
2. Changed to 2 new work places, err I moved to a completely different occupation on April 2010, then moved to another company in July but still doing the same shit.
3. I live by my own financially, I've been through times where I only had steamed rice and fried eggs or dried anchovies for days to save up. Utility bills and insurance payments are my best enemies.
4. I bought an iPhone 4. I never turn back to any other brands.
5. I moved to a new house and got break in on the first night. A nice way to say hello to neighborhood.
6. I had my first business trip, the first time in my life staying in a hotel ALONE and got all my expenses paid by the company. I mean, all expenses.
7. ICYO. self explanation.
8. I play tennis.
9. I got my Master degree, fast track, and on time :) ~~ geez time flies.
(I still remember 2 years ago, arguing with Curtin student adviser to fast track my study because my visa will expire in 18 months and I didnt want to apply for another student visa, thank God it was a good decision)
10. I only bought 1 handbag and 2 new shoes (for work purposes) this year. I need to buy more next year ;p
11. I have a foster child, one small thing that I always want to do before I die.

I can say that I don't have any new year resolutions, I'm bad at doing it so I better just to let my life flow like it always has been. Though I have some things that I wanna get or do in 2011:

1. First thing is get a new and better job and career this year!
2. Be more thankful and be more closer to God. Though it sounds so subjective, but the point is I need to promise myself not to complain about my life and be less selfish. Think of others whose life is less fortunate than myself.
3. Buy a macbook. if I get a new job.

Happy 2011 all !