
breaking my own record

For the sake of extra money peeps, I worked for 10 hours today. I started at 6 am (which meant I woke up at 4.45) and finished at 4 pm. No fun at all, please don't ever try that at your workplace. I even did the cleaning for 4 hours, from 12pm-4pm. Well, I'd been transfered from AXA to QV1 to Howard st, I did the opening at QV1 and did the closing at Howard Street. Howard street is a small store, not even 1/4 of AXA store but OMG the dirt was much doubled than AXA. I'd never seen anything dirtier than the mop I used ( I swear I washed it with fat and grease remover for hundred times and with very hot water but still it didn't help at all). I spent 2 hours to mop and scrub all the floor !

Mboh wes mboh, badan ga ada rasa wesan ini. Sampe rumah jam 5.15 trus siapin dinner dan akhirnya dinner juga jam stg 6 sampe jam 6. Dilanjutkan dengan mandi stg jam lalu siap2 dan berangkat lagi ke choir, untung choir di rumah Vita. Seperti biasa juga sindrom capek saya, udah ngantuk 5 watt dan badan udah rontok malah ga bisa tidur.
Besok kerja jam 6 pagi lagi *menangis* semoga ga sampe jam 3 (yg brarti ngepel toko lagiiiiii).

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