

There were lots of ups and downs in my life, lots of dramas. But, this is the time that all I want to do is to cuddle under my mom's arms. Suddenly, I feel like a 2 year old baby. I'll have my very own tantrums if something doesn't go well with my plans. This is bad, worse than ever. I need much much extra care, I'll get my way to be noticed. and this is not me. Hopefully it'd be gone by next week. I feel bad to Jon, as long as mum's not here, he took all my tantrums. huh, it's not easy loving me.

Ah, all I want for Christmas is mum. and her cook.


Adi Indra said...

Ganbatte ibu! EH kapan ini club hepi2 jalan2? Aku baru sempet sabtu depan :S

Unknown said...

Eit eit, neng. Call mum and dad if you miss them lah

Don't be shy, sometimes it feels good to be back like a 2 year old baby
