
this year, I ....

1. Finished my uni life on June.
2. Got my bachelor degree on October.
3. Got my bridging visa on July
4. Got my internship (with Curtin) on February.
5. Went to Sydney twice, in a year, oh well I'm sick of Sydney.
6. got super duper stressed all the whole year.
7. Still have no idea what am I gonna do for the future, at all.
8. realized that working, literally working, is not fun, at all.
9. decided to get married at 25, due to the fact that working is not fun. hahaha. i do not either whether i'm joking or not. (at first, I wanted to get married at least when i'm 27)
10. am 21 years old.
11. do not go back home, not even once. I am proud of myself.
12. celebrated Christmas day without my family for the first time. I am proud, wendy, so proud of myself.

-i'll keep updating this post if something comes up to my mind-

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